Chapel Hill 2020 Crosses The Finish Line

Last night marked the last meeting of the stakeholder involvement portion of the Chapel Hill 2020 process. After brief introductions from the leadership of the process and town staff, the theme groups met to consider the action items drawn up by town staff based on pervious meetings. If you haven’t yet been able to have your say on 2020, you still have a few opportunities including:
  • The information meeting for the town advisory boards on Chapel Hill 2020 on May 10 at 6 p.m. in the Town Council Chamber
  • A “public information meeting” on May 14 at noon in the Town Council Chamber
  • A public hearing when the Town Council receives the plan as part of its regular meeting on May 21 at 7 p.m. in Town Council Chamber
Moving through the rest of the year and beyond, there will also be opportunities for involvement that aren’t directly related to Chapel Hill 2020.

Early voting opens with a bang: 605 at Ramshead day 1

Early voting opened with a bang Monday.

1270 early voters countywide Monday, here are totals by location: 

  • Ramshead on campus 605
  • Carrboro Town Hall 226
  • Seymour Center 243
  • BOE office in Hillsborough 168
  • Mt Zion (Cedar Grove) 28

The Independent Weekly has endorsed Penny Rich, Mark Dorosin, and Renee Price for County Commissioner!

Live Tweeting the Commissioners' Transit Hearing

Our Turn for Transit

The Orange County Board of Commissioners will vote in May, one week after the primary election, whether to put a half-cent transit tax on the ballot for voters to decide. The transit tax is a critical component of our region's long-term transit and growth plans, and it's time for Orange County voters to join Durham County and vote for expanded transit service to ensure a more sustainable Orange County in the future.



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