I'm not off work today (go telecommuting), but it sounds like a lot of you are. What's going on out there?
I am interested in comments from anyone who attended the "listening sessions" this week sponsored by the Mayor Foy's Mental Health Task Force. The sessions were on Tues. and Weds. evening. I got to the Tues. session too late to get a sense of where the Task Force is heading.
I think many people are aware of the problems facing the public mental health system in Orange County and elsewhere. I am interested in what the Task Force intends to accomplish. I hope someone who attended will comment.
you know that the first civil rights "freedom ride" took place in 1947,
fourteen years before the 1961 riders captured the nation's attention
by exposing the brutality of Jim Crow in the South? The Journey of Reconciliation
was organized by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), which was born
at the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), and was led by FOR staff members Bayard Rustin and George
The interracial group of nine men on the Journey of Reconciliation
set out from Washington, D.C. on April 9th, 1947. They met some
resistance from passengers and drivers on buses in Virginia and North
Carolina. But when they attempted to sit at the front of a bus in
Chapel Hill on April 12th, the driver refused, and removed some of the
riders by force. They were then attacked by angry cab drivers at the
Chapel Hill bus station, and arrested by local police. Their subsequent
time serving on a chain gang led Rustin to write about the experience.
His serialized journal led to major reforms in the North Carolina
prison system.
There is another Carolina North Public Input/Information Session tonight, February 19, 2009, at 7PM in the Town Council chamber. There is already a draft of new language for the Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) to cover development on the Carolina North property as well as a draft of a development agreement which would be the basis for the Town of Chapel Hill's oversight of this massive project. Both of these drafts as well as a great deal of other information can be obtained at http://www.townofchapelhill.org/index.asp?NID=1821
I ran across the yard sign pictured at left quite a few times as I was driving through central Orange County today, particularly plastered along the strip-mall section of Hillsborough along Churton St between the two interstates. Something tells me these folks aren't interested in "revolting" by lobbying their state representatives to allow us to utilize alternative revenue options. Does anyone have any insight about the story behind the signs? Is this a grassroots effort or is there an existing anti-tax group sponsoring this?
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