Time-Warner, revisited

Time-Warner, its relationship with the town of Chapel Hill, and cable TV agreements are the subject of two CH Herald stories this morning.

 1. "Time Warner Cable, town to break ties March 31" Daniel Goldberg:  "Time Warner Cable has notified the town that a local franchise agreement between the two entities will be terminated effective March 31 . . . [Under] the Video Service Competition Act ... all cable franchise agreements instituted after Jan. 1, 2007, will be licensed by the N.C. secretary of state and agreements like the one between Time Warner and the town of Chapel Hill could be terminated if a competing cable provider were authorized to offer services in the same area."  http://heraldsun.southernheadlines.com/orange/10-1124138.cfm (regis. needed)

 2. "Town opposed cable service legislation" Daniel Goldberg - a history of town opposition to the legislation.  http://heraldsun.southernheadlines.com/orange/10-1124120.cfm (regis. needed).

Ready for a county income tax?

I've been writing about local government funding and the relationship of the state to the locals for a couple of decades now. Given that we saw a serious 'no' vote on the real estate transfer tax and are in the midst of another discussion over property taxes, I thought I'd get another revenue source that's not talked about all that much on the table.

2009 NCAA Pool

OK, here it is: the Official OrangePolitics NCAA Men's Basketball Pool. No money is at stake, only bragging rights. (Sorry, Facebook membership is required to play.)  Some of you will remember that last year's pool was won by Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt and Orange County Transportation Board Member Robert Peterson. Think you can beat them?

This year we also have an Official OP Women's Pool over on the ESPN web site (where you have to register yet again, ugh) because Facebook doesn't do the women's tournament (boo).  Participation from all genders welcome. ;-) 

I'll post a reminder here when the men's and women's brackets are available. Start getting your stats warmed up...

County Manager Quits

Laura Blackmon gave notice to the BoCC.  Her last day is 30 June.

Scroggs to lead Chapel Hill High

I admit I don't know much about the inner workings of our schools (just wait about 6 years), but it sure seems like the Chapel Hill-Carboro City Schools have had a hard time keeping principals around in the last few years. This just in from Stephanie Knott, Assistant to the Superintendent for Community Relations:

Former Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Steve Scroggs was appointed interim principal of Chapel Hill High School following a closed session held by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education Tuesday afternoon.

Scroggs will finish out the school year until a permanent replacement is selected.  The principalship is vacant as a result of the resignation of Jacqueline Boyd Ellis.  Ellis will leave Chapel Hill High March 20 to become the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources for the Durham Public Schools.  Scroggs and Ellis will work collaboratively from Monday, March 9, through Friday, March 20.



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