Chancellor gives himself a good grade

I'm happy for Chancellor James Moeser that he looks back at his time at Carolina and sees an improvement in Town-Gown relations, as WCHL reported recently. I'll admit that the Chancellor seems to have stopped lobbing bombs at the town, which seemed to be his M.O. when he first arrived almost 8 years ago. He also seems to have developed a trusting friendship with the Mayor of Chapel Hill.

Schools propose 08-09 budgets

The County Commissioners have received the proposed budgets from both school systems. According to the Chapel Hill Herald, the city schools are requesting $61.2 million, a %12.56 increase in last year's budget. The county system is requesting an %8.35 increase to $23.8, which is actually less than they asked for last year.

The county school board recognizes, "the fiscal realities of the day," said school board Chairman Ted Triebel.

"[The budget] is well-researched, fully-debated and it is lean, very lean," he said. "This new fiscal approach, this minimal budget, comes with high expectations and confidence that you, our board of county commissioners, will favorably respond to the citizens of our district and look at this responsible budget to provide the necessary opportunities for our county's youth."

- County praises school boards' budgets, 4/23/08

Interrogating the witness

By now I have come to expect dissent from our newest Town Council member Matt Czajkowski. Whether it's defending power companies against the community's conservation efforts or resisting smart urban growth, Matt can be counted on for almost knee-jerk opposition to his colleagues' progressive ideas.

But he has now taken to personally attacking hardworking, knowledgeable, volunteers like George Cianciolo (aka George C here on OP). I served on the Planning Board alongside George, who also spent 6 years on the Chapel Hill Transportation Board, and has also represented us on UNC's Leadership Advisory Council and the regional Special Transit Advisory Committee. George is the kind of guy who probably spends more time in meetings than most people spend watching TV every week - and that's not even counting the research and preparation for doing the community's work.

The Chapel Hill Planning Board voted 6-1 to recommend the project to the council, and it was during board chair George Cianciolo's presentation that differences of opinion concerning the future needs of the town became apparent again.

The Independent's 2008 primary picks

Independent Weekly endorsements for the 2008 primary have just been posted online at

They will be in tomorrow's print edition as well. Here's a summary:

  • Commissioners, District 2: Leo Allison
  • Commissioners, At-large: Bernadette Pelissier
  • Orange County Board of Education: Steve Halkiotis, Eddie Eubanks, Tony McKnight
  • Transfer Tax: Yes
  • District Court Judge: Page Vernon


Final public info session on the county's comprehensive plan

FYI from from "Letters to the Editor: THE CHAPEL HILL NEWS," Sunday April 20, 2008:

"Do you live, work or own land in Orange County? Are you concerned about whether you and your children can find work here and can afford a home near your job? Do you care if farmland and natural areas are protected? Do you want your county to be a healthy, sustainable place to live?

If so, your voice needs to be heard at the final public information session of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Update on Wednesday April 23 at 7 p.m. at the Hillsborough Exchange Clubhouse.

The Comprehensive Plan Update will determine how Orange County will develop during the next 20 years. It guides decisions for a wide range of local issues: housing, economic development, transportation, land use, environment, parks/recreation, and services/utilities. This update was begun in 2006 and will be adopted this fall.

This public input session will have an overview and time for citizen comments. Your input will be seen by the county commissioners at the May 19 public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan.

The Community Action Network and the Walkable Hillsborough Coalition are two of the nine organizations in the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Coalition. It is a diverse group of community and business organizations whose mission is to encourage public participation in this update process and encourage outcomes of economic prosperity, environmental health and social equity.

We believe that the Comprehensive Plan should be a positive document, directing appropriate commercial and residential development to designated areas and recommend ordinances and processes that encourage, reward and expedite a sustainable future.

Your voice in shaping the community's long-term future is important.

Learn about the Comprehensive Plan update at the county's dedicated Web site:

-- Dolly Hunter, Community Action Network; Holly Reid, Walkable Hillsborough Coalition


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 3:00pm


Hillsborough Exchange Clubhouse



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