Ellie Fest 2008

This is a novel way to campaign! ;-)

Ellie Fest 2008
is a celebration of State Senator Eleanor Kinnaird's contributions to the state of North Carolina and a rally for her re-election campaign. It will be held on Sunday, April 6 from 2-5 pm at the Carrboro Town Commons.

Performances including bluegrass and roots musician Tim Stambaugh, “kids music for grown-ups” from Jimmy Magoo, and the energetic Latin sounds of Saludos Compay.
Roving puppets from Paperhand Puppet Intervention.
Special guest speaker State Senator Janet Cowell.

Refreshments available from Open Eye Cafe.

What: Ellis Fest 2008
When: Sunday, April 6, 2-6 pm
Where: Carrboro Town Commons

Please forward to all who might be interested!

You can get a flyer at Ellie's web site: http://elliekinnaird.org/pdfs/elliefest.pdf


Sunday, April 6, 2008 - 10:00am to 2:00pm


Carrboro Town Commons

Potential Jordan Lake intake for OWASA, Durham, & Chatham

OWASA, Durham, & Chatham County have agreed to jointly explore the possibility of installing a water intake on the west shore of Jordan Lake where OWASA owns property. Our local Orange County governments have some misgivings about the project and these were discussed at the Orange County Assembly of Governments meeting last night, which was also attended by Durham Mayor Bill Bell and Chatham County Commission Chair George Lucier. The following is a statement that I prepared for presentation at that meeting. (I actually ended up talking off the cuff to avoid repeating points that others had previously made.)

Stealing from the poor

I would like to give a big raspberry to the hooligans who stole the bicycle and cart used by two local volunteer food programs. Boo, hiss.

I didn't even know about these two efforts, so the silver lining is that we all get a good reminder that there are hungry people in our own community, and we can always be doing more to help.

The cart is silver-colored, made of aluminum and is about eight feet long. A person pulling one on a bicycle can haul about 300 pounds on it.


Two groups use the cart and bike in their work, Ryans said. One group called Comida no Migra, which means food not border patrol, uses them to distribute free food in the Abbey Court area, where many Hispanic people and day laborers live.

That group has been distributing food to that area for about two years.

The second group, which shares some members with Comida no Migra, is called the Northside Free Grocery Program, Ryans said. That program was started about five or six months ago, he explained.

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Have your say on the countywide Comprehensive Plan

Thanks to the VIllage Project's blog for reminding us about three community meetings in April for the public to comment on Orange County's new draft Comprehensive Plan.

Open House*
April 3, 2008, 3:00-7:00PM
Planning and Agricultural Center, "Food-Lab"
306-F Revere Rd., Hillsborough



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