Rogers Road is not out of the woods

Yesterday's Chapel Hill News discussed the possibility of constructing a new elementary school in the Rogers Road neighborhood as if it would bring an instant end to the problems this neighborhood has had for decades of living next to the landfill. While the schools' ability to pay for the extension of sewer to this area would be a tremendous benefit, it's not like sewer acess is the only challenge facing the Rogers Road area.

Rain makes a dent

Some good news: our drought is only "extreme" now! The rain is is barely, slightly, kind of starting to catch us up.

Durham, Orange, Chatham, Person and Granville counties are now listed as being in "extreme" drought, the fourth highest of five drought classifications used by the state. The five area counties had been listed in the worst drought classification, "exceptional," for months.

- Rain lowers drought category, 3/14/08

But don't stop conserving. We've got a long way to go, and OWASA's surcharges will still kick in on Monday as planned.

We'll All Go Down Together

I just got back from Tucson and dropped by Weaver Street Market today for groceries.  While the bright white arrows directing traffic seem useful, Carr Mill Mall's new approach to territory does not.

As I got out of my car, one of the guards lectured three twenty-something people on where they could and could not go. As they looked somewhat nervous and a little confused, he explained that their parking space belonged to "this building" and they could only go in "this building" and if they crossed the street or crossed the lot, he would be watching them and he would know and he would tow them. No question about it. If they strayed across that parking lot, there was a towing in their future.

Sierra Club County Commissioner Forum

It's that time of year again, the sweet smell of campaigns are starting to fill the air. The Sierra Club will be hosting a forum on environmental issues for Orange County Commissioner candidates on Monday, March 17th at 7pm in Carrboro Town Hall. Members of the public are invited to attend, though it will be televised if you are unable to make it.

Because I get a number of questions regarding the process the Sierra Club takes to endorse local candidates, I wanted to explain exactly what it is we do to make our decisions. Rather than put you to sleep with a long written explanation, I took to my webcam and tried to describe the process as best I could. Enjoy by clicking "read more" below.



Over 30,000 served

Congratulations to Patrick McDonough for posting the 30,000th comment on OrangePolitics! He has earned a free drink at OP's spring happy hour on March 26th. I hope to see many of you there.

And what an informative comment it was:



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