Kudos to Hillsborough Hog Day for trying to go (almost) garbage-free! I wonder if Chapel Hill would try this for FestiFall?
"Our goal is waste minimization, reducing waste in the first place and composting and recycling as much as we can," said Muriel Williman of Orange County's Solid Waste Management Department and a Hog Day Committee member. "While some trash is expected, we would like to reduce waste by 75-80 percent, even 90 percent. With everyone's help, we can."
Visitors should expect to see vendors serving on paper plates and bowls, or using wax paper to wrap food. Vendors will also be using biodegradable utensils (made from corn, potato or wheat starch) though most people will not even notice the difference. The goal is to be able to compost as much as possible. Any plastic utensils, film, condiment packets or other plastic can contaminate the compost collection.
Next week a group of Orange County residents will be organizing
Citizens for Schools and Parks to advocate for passing the real estate transfer tax in Orange County. This group will be ad-hoc and will dissolve after this May's vote on the issue.
If you are concerned about school, park and open space funding in Orange County and want to help pass this referendum, then please come to this meeting. If you cannot come, then please email
Mark_Chilton@hotmail.com to let us know how you can help.
BE THERE: Wednesday March 26, 2008 at 7:30 pm at Carrboro Town Hall in Room 100.
Last year there was some interest in having a tournament pool here on OrangePolitics. Since all of the online pools require registration, I figured we might was well use Facebook, where many of us already have accounts. (I also couldn't find a site that includes the women's tournament, please send me links if you know of one.)
So without further ado, I give you: The Official OrangePolitics B-ball Pool! You have to pick your teams before the first game starts on Thursday, so don't delay. To join, send me a message via Facebook and you will get an invitation.
Tomorrow is the FIFTH anniversary of the Iraq War! MoveOn.org is organizing vigils across the country. Here's ours...
We will be meeting on the fifth anniversary of our misguided invasion
of Iraq to honor and mourn the great loss this senseless war has meant
for the families of our service men and women and the loss of resource
our government could have used for humanitarian or economic purposes.
Address: 179 E. Franklin St., in front of the post office building (across from campus) (Map)
Location: Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Directions: 179 E. Franklin St., across from campus and in front
of the post office (near intersection with Henderson). There is parking
available on Franklin and some side streets with out charge after 6pm I
believe. There are also a couple of parking garages on Rosemary and the
planetarium parking lot are available but may still charge.
Host: Sarah Nixon
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Peace and Justice Plaza at Franklin Street Post Office
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