Chapel Hill Murder (What the ????)

The media is reporting that Eve Carson, the UNC Chapel Hill student body president, was identified Thursday as the woman who was fatally shot in a neighborhood near campus early Tuesday morning.

OP Happy Hour

It's time for our quarterly gathering, folks! This one will focus on the upcoming primaries. (local, state, and national) It will also serve as the monthly BlogTogether meet-up, so this is a great chance to meet some local bloggers.

This will be our last Happy Hour before the May primary so let's see if we can get some candidates to join us. Any suggestions for location?


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Milltown, 307 E. Main St., Carrboro

Water, Water, Not Everywhere

As the weather warms but the drought persists, we're reading more and more concern about swimming pools. I've been trying to figure out whether a distinction between public and private residential pools exists or is under consideration. The media get quotes or sound bites from places like the Meadowmont Pool or the Y, expressing great concern about what will happen over the summer. Meanwhile, I'm only seeing generic comments about not filling or topping off residential pools -- to the effect that if you can't top off, the pool becomes unusable.

Consultants give us county info

Have y'all seen the web site that the County's consultant set up about the new site search process? At the Orange County Transfer Station Siting Website, visitors can find background, details on the siting criteria, and upcoming meetings.. This is a good start and represents an improvement on the amount of information previously available.

My wishes are that:

  1. They would provide a syndicated feed so that we can follow updates to the site without having to visit each page every day to see whether there's something new.
  2. The COUNTY ought to provide this kind of information on it's own website, since this is the people's information, and should do this for more projects. Of course, the Towns should do this as well.

Your Daily Commute

A few weeks ago, I was asked to take a look at my daily commute and examine it in terms of the physical factors that affect my journey. Below is a video that represents the route I travel (almost) every day and the hurdles I encounter. Because I walk a pretty short distance most days, it's a very microscopic view of pedestrian travel issues in downtown Chapel Hill. I want to turn the question around to the Orange Politics community, and see what you think of your commute. What problems do you have to deal with every day on your way to work/school/where ever, and what do you see as the solution?





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