Will Commissioners see the light?

Today I got the flyer below from Rogers Road residents who are organizing a posse to come out to the Assembly of Governments Meeting on Thursday Wednesday. The AoG is a periodic meeting for our elected officials from different jurisdictions to meet together.

Although the transfer station is not on the agenda, this could be an important opportunity for Chapel Hill and Carrboro elected officials (if not residents as well) to push the Commissioners to re-open what all have admitted was a badly flawed search for a location for the proposed waste transfer station.

The Rogers-Eubanks Coalition to End Environmental Racism

(CH-Carrboro Branch of the NAACP, Environmental Justice Network, West End Revitalization Association, Women's International League of Peace and Freedom, Orange County Progressive Democrats, and members of UNC-CH Faculty, Students, and Staff—--In Formation)

Support the Residents of the Landfill Neighborhoods*

at the

Candidate forums start tonight

So far I have the following items on the fall calendar. What other essential campaign events are coming up?

  • Mon 9/17, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Carrboro Candidates, Carrboro Town Hall and cable TV access
  • Tues 9/18, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Hillsborough Candidates, Gordon Battle Courtroom and cable TV access
  • Tues 9/25, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Chapel Hill Candidates, Chapel Hill Town Hall and cable TV access
  • Wed 9/26 7 pm: League of Women Voters Forum - Carrboro candidates, Carrboro Town Hall (TV?)
  • Wed 10/1 7 pm: League of Women Voters Forum - Chapel Hill candidates, Chapel Hill Town Hall (TV?)
  • Tues 10/9, 7 pm: Chamber of Commerce, EmPOWERment, WCHL and Community Action Network Forum - Chapel Hill candidates, Hargraves Community Center
  • Wed 10/10, 7 pm: Chamber of Commerce, EmPOWERment, WCHL and Community Action Network Forum - Carrboro candidates, Carrboro Town Hall

Senate candidates lack ovaries

With John Herrera joining Mike Nelson and Moses Carey, the tally is up to three very qualified Democratic candidates queuing up to run for Ellie Kinnaird's NC Senate seat in 2008. But Senator Kinnaird is still waiting for her Princess Charming who will be able to maintain female leadership in that seat.

I certainly share her concern about the small and shrinking number of women currently elected to the Senate (in fact, I wish she had raised it sooner) but I also have to wonder whether having a Latino, an openly-gay person, or an African American would also make a strong contribution to that body.

The Carrboro Citizen wonders whether Ellie will call her own bluff and run for re-election if she can't find a woman to run for her seat by next spring.

Using social media

Congrats to the Town of Hillsborough for using the social photo sharing site Flickr to post photos and engage the public!

The Chapel Hill Preservation Society also has a Flickr account, and has been using it to good effect.

And a few folks (OK, mostly me) have been using the tag orangepolitics to mark photos related to local issues. Feel free to contribute...

A question of trust

Almost weekly someone says to me "why do you still allow that idiot so-and-so to post on OP?" Probably almost as frequently, someone else accuses me of "censorship" or worse for putting any limits on what can be read here on OrangePolitics. For whatever reason, this site has become a community of record and is read regularly by the media, elected officials, community leaders, and countless potential local activists. It may mean different things to different people, but it does matter what is said here.



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