I know I'm late to the party on this one (sometimes I actually have to work instead of reading blogs all day) but how about this report in the Carrboro Citizen that Jim Neal of Chapel Hill is going to run against Elizabeth Dole next year? I've only heard a few other names tossed around, such as state legislators Grier Martin (D.G.'s son) and Kay Hagan, but I think Dole's a sitting duck.
I've never heard of him before, but Kirk says Neal is "a key Democratic Party fundraiser," so does that mean he's for real? Discuss.
Update: On another thread David Beck posted a link to an N & O story that tells us Neal is 50 and an investment banker.
Jack Sanders, Chairman of the OCDP gave the following speech to the Chapel Hill Town Council on Monday 9/24: Please note that I have permission from Jack to post the full text.
Thank you, Mr. Mayor and Council members.
I am Jack Sanders, Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party, and I rise to speak for the Democratic Party in support of the Rogers Road Community. We have asked the Board of County Commissioners to reconsider its decision to site the Waste Transfer Station in the vicinity of the Rogers Road Community and to conduct a thorough public search for an alternative site. I am here before you because Chapel Hill too has a role to play.
Chapel Hill is a progressive community, one that takes its principles seriously, chief among them the principle of social justice. Equally important is the notion of the integrity of government, the notion that our governments will treat all communities fairly, and that promises made will be kept.
Voter registration for this fall's municipal and school board elections closes a week from tomorrow, so get thee to a voter registration form (PDF)!
I'd like to take a look at candidate money in 2007, but I haven't had time to read the reports yet. Can you help?
We should certainly give the Orange County Board of Elections some kudos, along with the County web staff, for some great improvements to the content available on their web site. Right now they have campaign finance reports from 6 of the 8 candidates who plan to spend over $3,000. Those who plan to spend less do not have to file detailed reports.
Yard signs are popping up, there are forums every week, elected officials are suddenly acting a lot nicer to us... what else is new y'all?
In August, the OWASA board declared a Water Supply Advisory "to alert OWASA customers that additional water use restrictions may become necessary if water supply conditions do not improve," and today they announced a Stage One Water Shortage. Thanks to our year-round conservation measures, I think we have avoided getting to this point longer than many neighboring communities.
On Thursday night, September 27th, the OWASA Board of Directors declared a Stage One Water Shortage with the goal of reducing the community's current water demand by at least 10%. OWASA serves the Chapel Hill-Carrboro community.
The extended dry weather has resulted in steady declines in OWASA's reservoir levels, and there has been essentially no water flow since early August in the creeks and streams that drain to the Cane Creek Reservoir and University Lake. OWASA's reservoirs are about 58% full as of this morning, down from 81% on July 28th and 69% on August 28th.
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