I read in the Carrboro Citizen (who is kicking ass with coverage of Rogers Road, by the way) that Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools have a survey for the public to help inform their strategic plan.
... school officials have created an online survey for community members to respond to three questions:
* What is the one area in which the district needs to improve in order to be considered a highly successful, forward-thinking school district?
* What is the greatest external challenge facing the district?
* What is the greatest internal challenge facing the district?
The survey has been emailed to parents and staff members and is available at www.chccs.k12.nc.us.
- The Carrboro Citizen: School brief: Strategic plan meeting, 9/27/07
But I can't find the link on their web site. Anyone know how to access it?
UNC's Chancellor James Moeser is stepping down next summer. Will you miss him? Who would you pick to be the next leader of our favorite university?
Moeser, in his annual "State of the University" speech, announced his decision to relinquish the chancellor's job on June 30, 2008, the end of the academic and fiscal year. He said the decision did not signal his retirement. After a year's research leave, Moeser said he would return "with the most exalted title this University can confer on an individual - professor."
- http://www.unc.edu/chan/special
It appears he is demoting himself to professor. Isn't that a bit usual? I would have assumed you'd only leave a job that sweet for something even better.
Update: Here's a timeline of UNC Chancellors according to WIkipedia:
The Chapel Hill Sierra Club forum is tonight from 7-9 at Chapel Hill Town Hall. I'll be live blogging. You should be able to watch it live on cable as well.
Feel free to share your thoughts!
So, sure, I work in the noncommercial media business and am a die-hard media reform activist so I'm a little more sensitive to these issues, but... this one made me mad enough to post. This is now day two that our community has been forced to see a giant ad being towed by a small plane. It's all part of a media campaign for the insurance company Geico (who will soon have it's very own TV show). It makes me sick that this thing is flying back and forth over the Town.
On one level, it's an environmental issue; a plane wasting fuel flying here and there for no other purpose than branding an image into our collective brains. On another level, that constant noise is really annoying. The plane flies very slowly and low to the ground, so it's very audible. On anther level, it's estimated that the average American is exposed to 2,500 ads a day. That's a lot of advertisements!
At tonight's Chapel Hill Town Council meeting they will be reviewing the Northern Area Task Force Report, which proposes a large number of significant changes to limit development and encourage more pedestrian-oriented growth. I still haven't spent as much time as I'd like digging into it. What do y'all think of the recommendations?
Also, I think the Rogers Road neighbors and their friends will be petitioning the Council. I don't know what their request is, but it may be about the Transfer Station which will be before the Council for a Special Use permit soon.
The Chapel Hill News wrote up a nice overview of the northern area suggestions, I'm posting the whole thing because I'm in a hurry.
GOAL 1: A landmark gateway that "announces" Chapel Hill at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Weaver Dairy Road.
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