Walk around in Hillsborough

I love walking around in downtown Hillsborough, but as long as these things keep starting at 9 am on Saturday mornings, I guess I'll have to keep reading about them in paper.

[The Walkable Hillsborough Coalition] is planning for this year's Walkable Hillsborough Day, which will be held June 3...

This year's theme may be the Churton Street Corridor Plan that includes pedestrian and bikeable ways from I-40 to N.C. 57. WaHC member Holly Reid said three walks are being considered for this year, including the Margaret Lane Cemetery and Turnip Patch Park loop, Historic Cameron Park and the Nature Trail and the West End Park Trail by Ben Johnson Dam...

All walks begin and end at the courthouse, with a start time of 9 a.m.
- News of Orange: Walkability of town focus of annual event, 5/11/06

Conservation and evolution

At their meeting tonight, the Chapel Hill Town Council will be considering 4 possible Neighborhood Conservation Districts, covering Coker Hills, Greenwood, King's Mill, and Pine Knolls. Tomorrow the Planning Board will discuss the NCD process in light of the fact that at least two more neighborhoods are requesting them.

I've written before about the many concerns I have about this process. What is the best way to preserve the character of our beautiful older neighborhoods, while still allowing a moderate amount of well-managed change that is necessary to keep our community healthy and affordable as we grow?

The missing link for Orange County

With all the focus on the selection process for Chapel Hill's new Town Manager, it's easy to forget that Orange County is in the market for a new staff leader as well. It may be an afterthought, but the County wants to know what you think they should be looking for.

The Orange County Board of Commissioners wants public input on the search for a county manager.

There is not much time left in the first phase of the manager search.

Comments from the public need to be received by Monday. Comments should respond to the following question: "What are the most important characteristics for a county manager in Orange County?"

Comments may be submitted to the BOCC by mail to Manager Search, Orange County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278 or by e-mail to managersearch@co.orange.nc.us . They also can be hand-delivered to the clerk's office, 200 South Cameron St., Hillsborough.

- heraldsun.com: Input sought on manager search

Town Forum on Municipal Networking

On Thursday May 18 the Chapel Hill Town Council will host a public forum on Municipal Wireless Networking. The event will be from 7 to 9PM and be held at Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. All are invited to attend.

Catch the NextBus

Chapel Hill is missing an excellent opportunity to deploy up to a hundred Internet hotspots along our transit corridors. Last week, the town signed a contract with NextBus, Inc. to provide, at a cost of $949,030, digital signs at 14 bus stops to inform riders of expected bus ETAs. NextBus, unlike competitors Motorola and Cityspace, uses last-gen cell technology over next-gen WiFi-MESH.

Instead of purchasing an open standards system utilizing WiFi/WiMAX wireless technology - technology allowing Chapel Hill to provide ubiquitous communication services to police, fire, public works and the general public from as many as 100 bus stops along the 26 bus transit routes - the town's transit department recently endorsed NextBus' proprietary cellphone-based bus-tracking system.

Specifically, NextBus is providing 14 digital signs, tracking of 83 vehicles and web-reporting on 26 routes for $949,030.



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