Sierra Club endorses county commission candidates

I know you're all waiting on the edge of your seats for this shocker:

For Orange County commissioner, the chapter endorsed candidates Mike Nelson and incumbents Alice Gordon and Barry Jacobs. It also expressed support "short of an endorsement" for Fred Battle.
- | Chapter picks its faves

Orange County Commissioner Candidates Forum

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce is partnering with EmPOWERment, Inc., the Village Project, and WCHL 1360AM to host an Orange County Commissioner candidates forum on Tuesday, April 11 from 7:30pm-9pm at Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill. The forum will be broadcast live on WCHL 1360AM. The forum partners hope that you can attend or listen to the live broadcast on WCHL.

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce also asked candidates to complete a questionnaire and interview. The Chamber elections brochure complete with questionnaire answers and chamber commentary on candidates is available online at

Local Immigrant Rights Rally - this MONDAY

Important stuff going on next door in Chatham County. Road trip to Siler City, anyone?

A page in history will be written in North Carolina on Monday, April 10 when anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 immigrants and their allies will march and rally in Siler City, NC, about 1 hour west of Raleigh on Hwy 64, and many more will gather in Winston Salem, Wilmington, Murphy, and other cities across NC. This is a national day of action against terrible anti-immigrant legislation being considered by Congress, with hundreds of protests planned around the country. We need hundreds of volunteers, observers, and allies to help ensure the safety and rights of all participants.

A statewide Volunteer Training is set for 4:00 pm, Sunday April 9, at the Carrboro Town Hall, 301 W Main St, Carrboro, NC. RSVP

Please consider standing in solidarity with immigrants who are fighting for their rights and their lives!

Chapel Hill may disband two boards

I was pretty shocked to read today that Chapel Hill Mayor Kevin Foy has written a memo to the Town Council proposing that they should end the Horace Williams Citizen's Committee (old web site, new web site). Just a few months ago, I helped to draft a plan for how the HWCC would proceed in the next year or two to study some of the issues surrounding Carolina North and to make recommendations on them to the Town Council.

In all of the discussion of Ken Broun's new committee to advise UNC's leaders, it has always been made clear that the HWCC would still exist to advise Chapel Hill's leaders. I have not seen any change in situation that would mean we don't need this service any longer. This decision would be a major reversal and it deserves more explanation than the Mayor has given.

Greener fields?

Nancy Suttenfield, a key UNC "mover-n-shaker" since 2000, current member on many Town-n-Gown related boards, is leaving UNC and is headed to Wake Forest.

Nancy's been quite busy both at UNC overseeing the recent tidal wave of capital expenditures. She's also been involved in a number of Town-n-Gown outreach efforts, such as Kevin Foy's Downtown Partnership. Not only did she help form UNC's new Carolina North committee, she's one of UNC's key representatives on that committee.

I wonder if her leaving will change the current shaky dynamic of that committee?

More from today's Herald-Sun.



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