Commenting guidelines

Gina Trapani of the blog Lifehacker has written an informative tutorial called Lifehacker's guide to weblogs comments. Go read the whole thing and let us know - do Orange Politics commenters follow this guide?

These are the main points:

  • Stay on topic
  • Contribute new information to the discussion
  • Don't comment for the sake of commenting
  • Know when to comment and when to e-mail
  • Remember that nobody likes a know-it-all
  • Make the tone of your message clear
  • Own your comment
  • Be succinct
  • Cite your sources with links or inline quoting
  • Be courteous
  • Don't post when you're angry, upset, drunk or emotional
  • Do not feed or tease the trolls

“Left of Center, Right at Home”

Fun, fun! The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership is searching for a marketing slogan to attract business to Franklin Street. According to the N&O today businessman Lex Alexander likes “Left of Center, Right at Home”. Other members aren't so sure about this slogan. They want Alexander to go back to his Durham marketing firm and try again.

I think the Partnership needs some local input. Surely, we can help them out. Any suggestions for a catchy slogan?

Businessman Lex Alexander introduced the motto to fellow board members Wednesday after a recent brainstorming session with a Durham marketing firm.

They stared at him, wide-eyed and silent. Developer Tom Tucker managed a short "Uh... ." Other board members laughed nervously.

Alexander said the slogan meets at least one of the board's goals: It gets attention. "To me it says that we're eccentric, but it's a friendly place," he said.

Experimenting with gender segregation

Guest post by Eric Muller
Cross posted at Is That Legal?

My reaction to this article about an experiment in single-sex education in all core classes at a local middle school was mostly "hmmm ... interesting ... maybe a little troubling ... but interesting ..." until I got to this stunner:

All [the teacher originating the idea] knew was that she intended to retire next year after 31 years and was running out of time to test her theory [that 7th graders would learn better without the "daily drama" of interaction between the sexes].

But she and her colleagues didn't tell the superintendent or the school board, choosing to notify parents of the experiment in letters sent home Jan. 6, a Friday. They assured parents that the experiment would last a few months at most.

Bob Sheldon Memorial Event

Internationalist Books and Community Center will commemorate the life and legacy of its founder Bob Sheldon on the date of his murder 15 years ago. On Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 5:30 PM, friends will gather to reflect on memories of the late political activist, to dedicate a public memorial in his honor, and to share their vision for the store as it begins its 25th Anniversary Celebration, which is ongoing throughout the year.

The event will take place at Internationalist Books located at 405 W. Franklin St.

For more information, call 942-1740 or go to:

New local transportation head

I haven't seen it in any of the papers, but I noticed this tidbit on the Town of Chapel Hill website today:

Town Manager Cal Horton announced today that the general manager for the Des Moines Metropolitan Transit Authority, K. Stephen Spade, has accepted a position as transportation director for the Town of Chapel Hill. Spade will begin in April...

Spade has worked for the Des Moines Metropolitan Transit Authority for 31 years. The MTA is an independent governmental agency providing public transit service to seven cities and Polk County, Iowa. The transit system provides fixed route, express, commuter and paratransit service throughout Polk County. MTA also provides vanpool services in 14 counties surrounding Polk County.
- Town of Chapel Hill - Town Manager Announces New Transit Director, 2/17/06

Anyone have experience on the Des Moine transit system?



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