At the Compassionate Living Festival (The Power of One Conference) in RTP this past weekend (October 7-9, 2005), The Animals' Platform was presented. To explain very briefly, it is a platform that will be used at the national level to get animal rights onto the political agenda for the 2006 election season. It will be updated every 2 years for each election season. You can see The Animals' Platform at
Everyone was highly encouraged at the conference to develop an Animals' Platform at the state and/or local level. Malcolm Kenton volunteered to develop a list-serve for people interested in participating in the development of a North Carolina Animals Platform. If you are interested in joining the list, you can subscribe by going to the website at .
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Readers are encouraged to submit short, progressive opinion pieces for publication on OrangePolitics. The rules are that it be local, informative, and not express a typically conservative viewpoint. This last criterion is obviously subjective and is decided by the editor.
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