Most folks in this area are pretty informed about Middle East issues. Although it's a global issue, the Palestinian crisis affects our community because of our strong academic, friendship, and sometimes cultural global ties in this college town. Well, now's your chance to listen to and talk to people who have lived in the West Bank and have some insight on the crisis. Just FYI, this presentation is geared towards the Christian faith community. However, I've heard Marthame and Elizabeth speak and have really gained some new insights into Palestinian human rights issues through their work.
Here's the announcement:
Today the Chapel Hill Herald reports that the Town Commitee on Lots 2 and 5 (or whatever awkward name it has) will be meeting to continue the ongoing conversation about how to best utilize these two parking lots in prime locations downtown.
I participated in a "charrette" several years ago that I thought came up with some good initial thoughts about how this land could be used creatively to meet the community's social needs as well as provide other services like a transportation hub, or some truly mixed-use buildings. After going through this and also sitting on the Downtown Small Area Plan Committee, I guess I OD'ed on ideas for downtown. Can someone tell me concisely what is really going to happen there? And who is going to pay for it?
In the same issue, the Herald also tells us that:
Scott Kovens and Eric Chupp of Capkov Ventures have their sights on about 150 acres of land right across the road from Southern Village, on the northeastern side of U.S. 15-501...
Last Monday, the Chapel Hill Herald ran yet another gushing story about Branch's Bookstore in Chapel Hill, continuing their pointed avoidance of the fact of the Internationalist's very existence! In the caption for the adorable photo of Kate Branch it said "...Branch's Chapel Hill Bookshop, which is Chapel Hill's only independent bookstore."
The first time the Herald made this mistake (about a year ago, when Branch's opened), I thought they were just stupid, but now it appears they are willfully promoting Branch's business while ignoring one of Chapel Hill's most longstanding progressive institutions! Here's what I wrote to the editor five days ago. They still haven't published it, so I'm resorting to posting here.
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