Frustrating Forums

It is almost midnight and I really need to go to bed since I have to get up at 5 AM. A little over an hour ago I finished the third forum of this Town council race and I'm a little too wired. I did poorly, which is totally my own fault. I am frustrated with the forums. There are too many candidates and it is really getting dull listening to all of us prattle on. The CAN forum tonight started with a question on school merger and went nowhere from there. All of our answers are too long, in most cases not substantive and occasionally insipid. This should be providing voters with a glimpse of their choices, if anyone is watching. After seeing us all in action I know who is repeating rehearsed pablum at every opportunity and who is actually trying to answer the question, but I only get one vote and my mind is made up.

The formats could be adjusted to speed things up. Maybe someone will try something new, encourage candidates to ask questions of each other, mix it up a little.

Please Leave Ms. Coulter Alone

So, Ann Coulter is speaking at Carolina tonight, and I'm already getting the hives imagining the news coverage: the protesters, the earnest critics with their well-researched and relevant questions who will be brushed aside, the outraged haranguers lobbing their accusations only to have them turned into punchlines. Is there anything about Ann Coulter that should prompt anyone with any knowledge of history (or of patriotism, or of good manners, or of treason) to go out and see her speak?

Are you into BONDage?

In addition to a plethora of candidates on this year's ballot, Chapel Hill voters will have five bond questions to decide. They are (approximately):

$5.0m Parks & recreation;
$2.0m Open space preservation;
$16.2m Library improvement;
$5.6m Sidewalks & streets;
$0.5m Energy-efficent buildings 

Here's an article from the Chapel Hill Herald on the Town Council's approval of the bonds. What do you think? How will you vote?

UNC delaying Carolina North report

Members of Chapel Hill's Horace Williams Advisory Commitee were notified last week that the University is postponing the release of their current plans for Carolina North for "about 6-7 weeks." The report that was scheduled to be released this week is now expected to be made public in late November. The reason stated is that they simply aren't ready and want more time to work on the plan. I can't help but wonder what other factors might be at work. Anyone care to comment?

C.A.N. Forum

Until I get a proper calendar of events thing on here, we'll post campaign events under the "Elections" topic.

The Community Action Network will hold a candidate forum on Wednesday, October 1, at Chapel Hill Town Hall. (Recently changed from September 30 due to a conflict.) The schedule for the evening is:

7:00 -- Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education
8:10 -- Carrboro Mayor and Board of Aldermen
9:20 -- Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council

It will also be cablecast on Time-Warner Channel 18.

For more information, contact Nancy Gabriel at or 967-8443.



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