In case you missed last Thursday's Orange County Democratic Women Forum for candidates for Orange County Register of Deeds and Orange County Board of Commissioners, here's our Storify from the event.
The campaign season for Orange County's Democratic primary races gets into full swing this week, with the first candidate forum, hosted by the Orange County Democratic Women. Also this week the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education will consider a resolution opposing the state’s new legislation that ends teacher tenure and creating teacher contracts, and the County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on a solution for solid waste.
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 7:30 pm, Town Hall Board Room
It has been over a month since the Duke Energy coal ash spill and we are still finding new leaks. The cost of cleaning up this ecological disaster will be in the millions and North Carolina taxpayers should not have to shoulder the burden.
New polling from PPP shows that 79% of Democrats and Republicans agree, Duke Energy shareholders, not taxpayers or customers, should pay to clean up the coal ash spill.
Orange County commissioner candidate and local business owner Mark Marcoplos is proposing that the Orange County Economic Development Office create, maintain, and promote a database of the county’s local, independent businesses. Said Marcoplos: “Our local, independent businesses are the backbone of our economy. They provide the majority of business jobs while accounting for the biggest share of retail sales in the county. Additionally they help to bind our communities together. The government of Orange County should actively promote and support these businesses. To that end, we need a comprehensive database of local, independent businesses detailing the goods and services that each one provides.”
Marcoplos envisions a searchable database that residents could use to find providers of products and services in our local business community. With a strong, ongoing promotional effort, county residents could more easily find local businesses to meet their needs.
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