Campus and community leaders will gather at North Carolina Hillel this Thursday, April 24th, at 3:30pm, to celebrate the first day of early voting in this year's May primary election. UNC Chancellor Carol Folt, NC Hillel Executive Director Ari Gauss, Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, and UNC Student Body President Andrew Powell will make brief remarks before casting their ballots.
Though many of Orange County's public bodies will be taking a break from regular meetings this week, there's still plenty going on. The Carrboro Alderfolks will reivew its priorities of projects to receive transit tax funds and get an update on the work to extend to sewer service to the Rogers Road community. Chapel Hill will take on the budget, the reorganization of the town's advisory boards and the porposed zoning changes for the Ephesus-Fordham project. The council will also hold a hearing on a stormwater management plan.
Thursday, WCHL will hold its annual community forum, while the polls opens for the first day of early voting.
We'll also be holding our last two online candidate forums--one on Wednesday evening for the 6 candidates running for sheriff, and another on Sunday for the 5 Democratic candidates in this year's primary for the Board of County Commissioners.
Here's the summary:
The Orange-Chatham Group of the Sierra Club issued endorsements in some of the upcoming Orange County primary races last night. Their picks were Barry Jacobs and Mark Marcoplos for the Orange County Board of Commissioners and Bethany Chaney for the Carrboro Board of Aldermen. Here's more from the Sierra Club press release:
Here's our Storify from the Orange County Democratic Party's forum for sheriff candidates.
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