It’s relatively slow this week in Orange County, but there’s still plenty going on. The Carrboro Alderpersons will consider affordable housing and amendments to the Joint Planning Agreement, who, their Chapel Hill counterpart will work on the budget and discuss what to do with the Old Library Property. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will also talk about implementing a Mandarin Chinese program, while the county commissioners will have a full agenda that includes the budget, rural curbside recycling and transportation project prioritization.
Here’s the full summary:
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 3rd, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room
At Tuesday night's Board of County Commissioner's meeting, the commissioners will vote to create a multi-jurisdictional, time-restricted Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG). This 12-member advisory group will consist of 2 representatives from each of the 4 local governments, 2 from UNC, and 2 citizens, and will be tasked with defining the nature, scope, and timing of solid waste issues including, but not limited to:
This is the statement I delivered to the Orange County Board of Commissioners during last night's meeting. The comments are posted here as well as the PTA Council blog.
Good evening. My name is Jeff Hall. I am the President of the Chapel Hill / Carrboro City Schools PTA Council.
Up until a few hours ago, I fully expected to read to you the official statement of the PTA Council, asking you to fully fund the budget request of both CHCCS and Orange County Schools. It is a great statement, with supporting facts and based on talking points that were developed in collaboration with parents, teachers and students across the district. But, you already know that. I emailed it to you a month ago.
But as I thought more about who I was talking to, I decided to change it up.
Though this week is a short one, Orange County’s public bodies have a full calendar. The county school board and county commissioners will both consider their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year, while the the Hillsborough Town Board discusses a proposed historic landmarks program. The Carrboro alderfolks will take on a host of issues including affordable rental strategies and a potential downtown slow zone, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will interview applicants for a restructured Planning Commission and get feedback on the town’s stormwater plan.
Here’s the full summary:
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 27th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room
Budgets will be the primary topic covered this week by Orange County’s public bodies with the Carrboro Alderfolks, the Chapel Hill Town Council, Hillsborough Town Board and county commissioners all working on spending plans for the next fiscal years. Both school boards will take a break from meeting this week.
Here’s the full summary:
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 20th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room
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