Here's the Storify from the Orange County Board of Commissioners' budget debate.
According to the Daily Tar Heel, UNC is going to start charging for evening parking this fall. All students will shoulder this cost as an annual $10.40 charge to their student fees. Non-affliated visitors to UNC will pay $2/evening. Nighttime employees will pay an annual fee between $227 (for those with an income of less than $25K/year) to $390 (for those making over $100K/year), which is the same price as daytime permits.
In the article, UNC DPS spokesman Randy Young says:
“The folks who are only working at night, their shift is basically the same as people who work during the day, except that traditionally, they’ve been receiving free parking,” he said. “So they would pay for their parking at night, for their nighttime work, the same way employees during the day have to. In the past, daytime parking permits have essentially subsidized those who park at night.”
Addressing affordable housing so that all people can afford to live in our community is an extremely important issue to many in our community. It has been given as a reason to develop and redevelop our towns and as a reason not to. Many organizations including the Community Home Trust, EmPOWERment Inc., Habitat for Humanity, the InterFaith Council, CASA, Orange County Justice United, and The Marion Cheek Jackson Center have been working with the towns and county to provide and/or advocate for housing at prices attainable across all spectrums of income.
In this season of municipal budget discussions, a rundown of what our towns and elected boards are working on around affordable housing seems appropriate. I asked members of each elected board what their board is focused on this year. Here is a summary.
Budgets will again be the focus of Orange County's public bodies this week. Both the Chapel Hill Town Council and the Hillsborough Town Board will vote to approve their budgets for the upcoming year tonight, while the county commissioners will hold another work session to continue working through their spending plan tomorrow. The Orange County Board of Education will also consider its budget after hearing about strategies to recruit and retain minority teachers. The Carrboro Alderfolks have the development of a new park and an update for the Local Living Economy Task Force on their agenda.
Here’s the full summary:
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 10th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room
On Tuesday, June 3, at 6:00 pm, the Board of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA is likely to announce that it will merge with the YMCA of the Triangle Association (YOTA). The meeting will take place at Amity Church, 825 N Estes Drive, adjacent to the CHCYMCA.
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