Help Solarize your Community

Rooftop solar power provides clean, local and independent energy, all while saving money on your electricity bill. Solarize Chapel Hill is a non-profit, grassroots effort that makes it easy both to find out if solar is right for you, and to get solar on more roofs. 

By organizing neighbors together for group discounts, vetting solar installers, and helping you maximize the tax incentives, Solarize Chapel Hill makes it simple and affordable to go solar. More than 300 people participated in our recent program in Carrboro, so we know that many in Chapel Hill could become more energy independent and save money by adding solar. 

The biggest challenge is getting the word out about how affordable solar power has become. We are currently recruiting volunteer Neighborhood Solar Ambassadors to get the word out in neighborhoods around Chapel Hill. 

If you are interested in becoming a Neighborhood Solar Ambassador or just want to learn more, please join us at TRU in Chapel Hill (114 Henderson Street) on July 22 at 7pm for drinks, appetizers, merriment, and the opportunity to learn more about Solarize Chapel Hill. FIRST ROUND AND APPETIZERS ARE ON US! More info at


Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 7:00am to 8:30am


TRU bar and deli, 114 Henderson St. Dwntwn Chapel Hill

Election Map 2014: Orange County Sheriff Runoff

Charles Blackwood and David Caldwell faced off in a second Democratic primary election Tuesday to determine who will be Orange County's first new sheriff in more than 30 years.

The map below shows the precinct-level results of this runoff election. The results are shown as the ratio of votes for Blackwood to votes for Caldwell. (As usual, these preliminary precinct-level results are inaccurate to the extent that early votes may have differed from votes cast on election day. See the raw numbers in this Google spreadsheet. Thanks to Damon Seils for providing the map.)

A total of 8413 Orange County residents voted out of a possible 91,173. So, only 9.23% of voters participated in choosing our next sheriff.

Sign the Petition to Expand Early Voting

Yesterday, I attended the Board of Elections meeting where they were to approve the early vote schedule for the fall. Though I knew there could be some others in attendance regarding an early vote site on campus (I was part of the informal committee looking for sites and suggested Carolina Hillel as a possibility, which was eventually approved). There were at least a dozen people in attendance speaking, as I did, in support of expanded hours on Saturday and adding Sunday as a voting day. While Orange County exceeded the number of hours required by law in the primary, I believe we should expand hours even more. Because of the response, the Board is delaying their decision next week.

On Tuesday, July 22 at 11:15am, members of the Orange County Board of Elections will consider our county's early vote plan. They were originally slated to approve the plan at yesterday's meeting, but due to the number of people present in support of expanded opportunities opted to postpone their decision.

Election Day Open Thread

Today is runoff day across Orange County!

Democrats in all precincts have the chance to choose between Charles Blackwood and David Caldwell in the Democratic primary for Sheriff while Republicans in the northern part of the county can vote to choose the Republican nominee for Congress in North Carolina's 6th district. Unaffiliated voters who voted in the May 6th primary may only vote the same party in today's runoff. Unaffiliated voters who did not vote on May 6th can vote today and, if applicable, choose which party ballot they wish to cast. A total of 1519 voters cast their ballots early at the Board of Elections office in Hillsborough.

What are you seeing at the polls today? I was voter #1 at Smith Middle School just after 6:30am this morning with no other voters in sight.

Results will be posted online after polls close at 7:30pm tonight.

This Week in Orange Politics: July 14-20

Though many of Orange County’s public bodies are off this week, don’t forget to vote in the runoff/second primary for sheriff. The polls will be open 6:30am to 7:30pm. Both school boards will also be meeting. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board will consider a technology contract, while its Orange County counterpart will get an update on the budget for the upcoming year. The Hillsborough Town Board will have two meetings, one for general matters and other for changes to the Unified Development Ordinance.

Here’s the full summary:


  • The Carrboro Board of Alderfolks is in summer recess.


  • The Chapel Hill Town Council is in summer recess.




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