This Week in Orange Politics: January 27-February 2




Tuesday, January 28th

  • Carrboro Board of Alderpersons Special Meeting, 7:30pm, Town Hall Rm. 110

This Week in Orange Politics: January 20-26

This Week in Orange Politics: January 13-19

We're trying something new for the new year. Each week we'll post what will be happening in the coming days in Orange County politics. What will you be talking about this week? Tell us in the comments.
Monday, January 13th
  • 6:30 pm Arts Commission, Rm 1 Century Center
  • 7:15 pm Open Streets Planning Meeting, Rec & Parks Department
  • 7:30 p.m. Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee, Rm.

Guns in Parks: Wrong for Chapel Hill

On Monday night, the Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss complying with new state laws passed by the General Assembly in 2013 that specify that cites and towns cannot bar concealed handguns in parks and greenways (House Bill 937, now Session Law 2013-369). We’ve received many e-mails from community members who are concerned about this new law, but unfortunately we have limited ability as a Town Council to react to these changes. Many cities and towns in North Carolina have struggled to figure out how to come into compliance with these new laws. In Asheville and Durham, their City Councils unanimously passed resolutions in opposition to these new laws. The town of Kernersville attempted to keep up their signs banning guns in parks, but recently chose to remove them after pressure from the group Grass Roots North Carolina, who threatened to sue the town if Kernersville did not change the signs. Discussions about gun violence and the second amendment have taken on a new intensity in our country in the last year. These issues at times can be polarizing, but the nuances are

Mia Burroughs to Run for County Commissioner

Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board member Mia Burroughs will seek the Orange County commissioner seat being vacated by Commissioner Alice Gordon, OrangePolitics has confirmed.



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