And now tonight at 7:30 Carrboro will swear in new and re-elected members of the Board of Aldermen: Joal, Dan, and Lydia. I'm sure Dan Coleman will be breathing a sigh of relief now that he has been put before the people of Carrboro and duly elected.
Expect another round of nice speeches followed by good snacks.
If there have been as many bitter recriminations in Carrboro as there have been in Chapel Hill, I sure haven't noticed. What are people saying? Are we ready to work together yet?
The Herald-Sun reports,
Developers of the 300 East Main Street project in Carrboro have rearranged and resubmitted their application to town staff members in hopes of hastening the project's approval and possibly beginning construction toward the end of 2007.
The development, which will include a hotel, office space, retail shops and restaurants, has been broken into two separate conditional use applications, said Laura Van Sant of Main Street Properties, the company that owns the strip mall and surrounding properties.
Read the full story here.
Van Sant also said the hotel interested is a "mid-priced national chain." I'm eager to see a hotel in Carrboro, but I hope it doesn't come with huge, tacky signs.
What are other folks thinking about this project? Are there still concerns? Or are we ready for this?
Chris Richmond, Executive Director of the ReCYCLEry, and I have launched to publicize the ReCYCLEry and its partners' community programs such as the newly launched Blue Urban Bike program and Carrboro Greenspace.We have tentatively decided to keep the contributors limited, and leave the conversation to more comprehensive forums such as OrangePolitics. Theoretically, we may limit return traffic to the site, but this will leave us more time for real world activism, and keep the site a resource for pure information, media and community links.So we pose these questions: Should we attempt to encourage more online activism by creating a new forum? or Do we still manage to fully engage our objectives by leaving debate and editorial content elsewhere?
The only word I have for this is AWESOME.Bill McCormick (a.k.a. Billy Sugarfix), who is a talented and funny musician, and Brian Risk (who slings code for Geneffects and slings beer for the Cat's Cradle) have written an ode to Carrboro, hip-hop style!Below is a sample of the lyrics.
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