Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

A Noteworthy Agenda Item

On tonight’s consent agenda at the Orange County Board of Education is a resolution in support of immigrant children in our community. The resolution is similar to those already adopted by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Orange County Board of Commissioners, and Chapel Hill Town Council.

This Week in Orange Politics: January 12-18

With the holidays now fully behind us, Orange County’s public bodies are gearing up for a busy 2015. This week the Carrboro Town Board will hear about Chapel Hill Transit and take on changes to the rural buffer, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will get an update on the town’s asset management plan and consider a special use permit. The Hillsborough Town Board will talk about preservation efforts at the Colonial Inn.

Both school boards will meet as well, with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board reviewing a report of discipline and the County Board getting an update on its Capital Investment Plan and considering a resolution on the right to an education for immigrant children.

Here’s the full summary:


This Week in Orange Politics: December 15-21

Though most of Orange County’s public bodies are in recess until after the new year, there are two key meetings happening this week. First, on Tuesday, a committee of elected officials, county board members and staff will hear presentations as to which zones should be selected to the first to benefit from the county’s new Family Success Alliance program. Then on Thursday, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will discuss its growth plan, consider revising its policy on class rank and make committee assignments.

Here’s the full summary:


  • The Board is in recess until Tuesday, January 13.


  • The Chapel Hill Town Council is in recess until Monday, January 5.


Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacancy

With Mia Burroughs winning a seat on the Orange County Board of Commissioners last week, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board has announced its process to fill the vacancy she will leave when she officially resigns on November 30, 2014. The deadline for applications is next Wednesday, November 19.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools has provided this informational packet for individuals interested in applying for the seat. Additionally, an information session will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, November 17, at Lincoln Center (750 S. Merritt Mill Road, Chapel Hill) for applicants to learn more about the roles and expectations of the position.

The Board will interview candidates at a special meeting on Monday, November 24, at 6pm at Lincoln Center, with a vote to be taken at its December 4 meeting. The selected appointee will be sworn in on December 18.

This Week in Orange Politics: June 30-July 6

Though most of Orange County's public bodies have no meetings this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will meet to decide who should purchase the Old Library property and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will hold a work session on its 204-2015 budget.

Here’s the full summary:


  • The Carrboro Board is in summer recess.


Special Meeting: Wednesday, July 2nd, 5:30pm, Chapel Hill Public Library (Meeting Room C)

  • At this special final meeting before the summer recess, the Council will vote on their preference for who should purchase the Old Library Property at 523 E Franklin St.




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