Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

Punishment and Policing In Our Schools Forum

This forum, organized by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Citizens Advocating for Racial Equity and co-sponsored by the Community Education Collaborative, the Chapel Hill Town Council's Justice in Action Committee, and the UNC Center for Civil Rights, will feature Orange County Commissioner Mark Dorosin giving the keynote address. Orange County Public Defender James Williams will give opening and closing remarks, and a panel of experts and community will discuss school discipline laws and policies, policing, and their effects on students and families in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and brainstorm possible solutions.


Saturday, February 2, 2013 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm


Carrboro Century Center

New Elementary School and New School Districts Coming in 2013

By Geoff Green and Ruby Sinreich

With the the new Northside Elementary School, a.k.a. elementary #11, set to open next summer (as well as Frank Porter Graham Elementary School's transition to a dual-language magnet school), we'll be forced to go through another dreaded reassignment process to balance enrollment and capacity at our oft-crowded elementary schools. Superintendent Tom Forcella issued a memo on August 2 (PDF) about how this could go.

Forcella says he expects to reassign over 1,000 elementary school students. A redistricting team of 8 staff members has already been created. They are charged with creating three plans to be reviewed by a Redistricting Advisory Council, made up of staff and parent representatives from all the elementary schools and from Carrboro High School, which will recommend one to the School Board. 

New Elementary School Details

WCHL is reporting on that Elementary 11 Construction Early Phase To Begin Next Week. More info on the Town of Chapel Hill website at CHCCS Elementary School 11

Election Maps 2011: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

Here are our maps of the school board election results. Although they don't tell as interesting a story as the Chapel Hill maps, I wouldn't want to disappoint James Barrett by neglecting to publish them.

Forum Open Thread: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

Welcome, everyone! This page is an open thread for conversation about the live Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board candidate forum.



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