Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate is looking for new volunteer mentors. 1 New Mentor = 1 More Student Goes to College.

Live Blog: PTA-NAACP-PAGE School Board Candidate Forum

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro school district PTA Council, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro chapter of the NAACP Education Committee, and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro chapter of Partners for the Advancement of Gifted Education (PAGE) are jointly hosting a school board candidate forum this evening at Chapel Hill Town Hall. OP editor Damon Seils live-blogs.

50th Anniversary Commemoration of Vickers v Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools

From the Town of Carrboro:

50th Anniversary Commemoration of Vickers v Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools

This landmark civil rights case was rendered from the United States Federal Court in August of 1961. The case changed the course of school integration in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro District and served as a model for antidiscrimination in schools within North Carolina and across the Southeastern United States.

The program will salute the courage exhibited by Carrboro native Stanley Vickers, his parents, and a multi-racial community support system that took a bold stand for equity and justice a half-century ago.

Monday, August 29, 2011
5:30 PM until 7:00 PM
Second Floor - Century Hall
The Century Center
100 North Greensboro St.
Carrboro, North Carolina

The program is free and the public is cordially invited to attend this celebration of history and courage


Monday, August 29, 2011 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm


Century Center, 100 N Greensboro St, Carrboro

The 21 Openings of 2011

A total of 21 seats are available in this year's municipal and school board elections. As incumbents and newcomers begin declaring their intentions, a quick summary of what we're in for is in order. Below is a list of the municipal and school board positions that will appear on local ballots in November.

Another chance at board appointment

Joe Green has resigned from the CHCCS School Board (not that you'll notice that in the lack of media around here)

But I doubt we'll get into another "5th place finisher" fight because I heard MaryAnne Gucciardi moved out of the district as well.  But I'm sure there will be interesting questions about whether to appoint another African-American.  Or why not a Hispanic- or Asian-American given the large populations (14 and 11% respectively)? 



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