Daily Tar Heel
The Daily Tar Heel issued its endorsements this morning n the Chapel Hill Town Council election. Early voting begins today at noon and will continue through October 31. Election Day is November 3.
The Daily Tar Heel has another editorial today criticizing Governor Pat McCrory for his remarks about education in last night's state of the state address.
The DTH is right to criticize McCrory -- his remarks were wrong and show that he's learned nothing from his recent debacle concerning his views on liberal arts education.
However, I'm still waiting for the DTH to directly address their endorsement of McCrory in the fall. They've said in a previous editorial criticizing the governor:
If the plans for higher education McCrory advocated during his campaign are ultimately going to come down to a gutting of the University, then this editorial board regrets having given him its endorsement.
But this isn't a full retraction of their endorsement. It's sidestepping the fact that they endorsed a candidate -- and actively encouraged students to vote for a candidate -- who is directly opposed to what most students at UNC-Chapel Hill stand for with regards to higher education.
I want to increase my knowledge of the history and politics of Orange County over the summer in preparation for my editor job at the DTH. Do you have any recommendations? Books, articles, etc.
I'm getting ready to get "The American College Town" from the library as a start.
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