light rail

As expected, on Tuesday night the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to discontinue the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project. After a failure of negotiations, this step formally discontinues the project and begins a process to reallocate the funds that had been allocated to the light rail project through an amended Orange County Transit Plan.
That process will involve lengthy conversations with community members and potential partners. A lot of time and effort, and difficult negotiation lie ahead. For me, it’s time to pause and consider what has been lost.
I emailed the Orange County Board of Commissioners a letter supporting the light rail connecting Orange and Durham Counties and am posting that letter publicly below.
Learn more about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation (DEIS) for the proposed Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit (D-O LRT) Project. A formal public meeting where you can give feedback will be held on September 29.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Friday Center, 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill
Budgets will be the focus for the both the county commissioners, Chapel Hill Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board this week. The Carrboro Alderfolks will talk about the rezoning of the Triem/South Green Lot, while the county commissioners will discuss the Eubanks Road Solid Waste Convenience Center and Southern Government Services Center in addition to their already-mentioned work on the budget. GoTriangle will present the environmental impact studies done of the Durham-Orange light rail corridor.
Both the Hillsborough Town Board and Orange County Board of Education are on break this week.
Here's the
All persons interested in the proposed Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project will get an update this fall on the 17-mile project.
"The upcoming meetings will give residents information on the environmental work that's underway," said David King, Triangle Transit General Manager. "Hearing concerns from the public will assist us as we complete the Draft Environmental Impact Statement that will be published and available for public comment next spring."
Four workshops will be held in November:
- Tuesday, November 18, 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. - Durham Station Transportation Center, 517 W. Pettigrew Street, Durham, 27701
- Tuesday, November 18, 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. - UNC Friday Center, Chapel Hill, 27517
- Wednesday, November 19, 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. - Marriott/Spring Hill Suites, 5301 McFarland Road at Patterson Place, Durham, 27709
- Thursday, November 20, 4 P.M. to 7 P.M, Hayti Heritage Center, 804 Old Fayetteville Street, Durham, 27701
The proposed light rail line will run from Chapel Hill to East Durham serving UNC Hospitals and UNC, Mason Farm Road, Friday Center, Leigh Village, Patterson Place, South Square, Duke University, Duke University Medical Center, the VA Medical Center, downtown Durham and Alston Avenue/NC Central University.
In February, the Federal Transit Administration gave Triangle Transit the go-ahead to enter Project Development. The proposed Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project is one of two light rail projects nationwide approved by the US Department of Transportation this year.
The project cost is estimated at $1.34 billion dollars (in 2012 dollars). Voters in Durham and Orange counties approved a one-half cent sales tax to fund the local share of the light rail project along with new and expanded bus service.
More information about the project is available at
For more information, contact Brad Schulz at 919.485.7434.
Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Hayti Heritage Center, 804 Old Fayetteville Street, Durham, 27701
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