Operation Democracy

MoveOn's Super Duper Tuesday Party to watch the primary results from 22 states

Election season is really ramping up. February 5th is Super Tuesday, when 22 states will vote in presidential primaries. It’s a huge, historic day. It could decide the presidential nominees. So MoveOn is getting people together for an exciting, social, and fun event. We’ll watch live coverage of Super Tuesday, and we’ll get revved up for our election work this year by getting a sneak peak at our big bad plan to win the White House. MoveOn's efforts to put progressives in power this fall is centered around their program called Operation Democracy.

Operation Democracy is about taking MoveOn's work beyond email and signing petitions into the community, making it easy for busy, ordinary people like us to take powerful action on national issues at the local level. Our country is facing huge challenges. The vast majority of Americans want to end the war in Iraq, however, corporate special interests and right-wing conservatives are exerting their influence to keep the war going since companies like Halliburton, Blackwater, and other contractors operating under no-bid contracts can continue to rake in huge profits.
We think the best way to get our country back on track is to organize and strengthen the progressive movement through powerful grassroots efforts. Operation Democracy is MoveOn’s national network of committed volunteers and is built around hundreds of local councils. Through the work of these Councils, we can pressure elected officials to take a stand on issues that matter to us and, if they don’t, we’ll work to replace them with people that will.
We have actions about once a month on a critical national issue. In December, a group of MoveOn volunteers delivered petitions signed by members in Chapel Hill and Durham to David Price's office protesting any aggressive action toward Iran. This fall, Councils will form the backbone of MoveOn’s massive Get-Out-the-Vote campaigns to make sure the new president and at least a 60-member veto-proof majority in the Senate are elected!
The job of the council is to build power in the community by recruiting new members and by running great events (like the Super Duper Tuesday party). Councils have coordinator and core members who do most of the planning and other folks who mostly just come to events. They also get support and guidance from volunteer regional coordinators and staff organizers and get to use some great on-line tools to organize and run the events. MoveOn also provides a great set of materials for each event so the core members know exactly what to do.
Through MoveOn’s national network of Operation Democracy councils, we can fight hard on national issues that we all care about, work to win elections so we can have more progressives in power, and then hold them accountable. In Chapel Hill, we’re working to build a strong council so if you are interested in working toward taking back our country, please join our council. If you are unable to attend but are interested in stepping up to help, please email or call me.
Regional Coordinator for MoveOn
h: 380-8926 elyne@nc.rr.com


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 1:48pm


A MoveOn member's house in Southern Village. Use this link to sign up: http://political.moveon.org/event/supertueswatch/42512

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