Southern Village

Obey Creek Public Information Meeting

The Town of Chapel Hill will hold public information meetings related to the proposed mixed use development on the east side of U.S. 15-501 South across from Southern Village. The meetings are scheduled for noon to 1:30 pm on Wednesday, May 7, and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 15, in Room B of the Chapel Hill Public Library.

Residents will hear from the Town and the development team on several topics including design, transportation, housing strategies and the environment. Both meetings will follow the same format and topics, so residents can choose the more convenient day to attend.

Obey Creek is a 124-acre property under consideration for a proposed mixed use development. It is one of two potential developments using a new development agreement process.

Obey Creek is within Area 6: U.S. 15-501 South, one of six future focus areas outlined in Chapel Hill 2020, the community's comprehensive plan. Future focus areas are portions of Chapel Hill most likely to change in the future due to vacant land, underdeveloped sites, and their locations along transportation and transit corridors. In total, these areas represent about 24 percent of the land in Chapel Hill, and they do not include the predominately single-family areas and neighborhoods of Chapel Hill. The town’s other focus areas are Area 1: Downtown Chapel Hill; Area 2: North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/I-40; Area 3: South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Homestead Road to Estes Drive; Area 4: Highway 54; and Area 5: Ephesus-Fordham.

For more information on the Obey Creek Development Agreement process, visit Questions? Email with “Obey Creek” in the subject line.


Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm


Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill (Meeting Room B)

Obey Creek Public Information Meeting

The Town of Chapel Hill will hold public information meetings related to the proposed mixed use development on the east side of U.S. 15-501 South across from Southern Village. The meetings are scheduled for noon to 1:30 pm on Wednesday, May 7, and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 15, in Room B of the Chapel Hill Public Library.

Residents will hear from the Town and the development team on several topics including design, transportation, housing strategies and the environment. Both meetings will follow the same format and topics, so residents can choose the more convenient day to attend.

Obey Creek is a 124-acre property under consideration for a proposed mixed use development. It is one of two potential developments using a new development agreement process.

Obey Creek is within Area 6: U.S. 15-501 South, one of six future focus areas outlined in Chapel Hill 2020, the community's comprehensive plan. Future focus areas are portions of Chapel Hill most likely to change in the future due to vacant land, underdeveloped sites, and their locations along transportation and transit corridors. In total, these areas represent about 24 percent of the land in Chapel Hill, and they do not include the predominately single-family areas and neighborhoods of Chapel Hill. The town’s other focus areas are Area 1: Downtown Chapel Hill; Area 2: North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/I-40; Area 3: South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Homestead Road to Estes Drive; Area 4: Highway 54; and Area 5: Ephesus-Fordham.

For more information on the Obey Creek Development Agreement process, visit Questions? Email with “Obey Creek” in the subject line.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill (Meeting Room B)

Obey Creek Compass Committee Releases Final Report

The Obey Creek Compass Committee, a 17-member committee formed by the Chapel Hill Town Council to assist in identifying key issues to be considered in the development of a concept plan for the Obey Creek property, unanimously approved its final report to the Chapel Hill Town Council at its last meeting on Monday.

The report is now available online here (PDF). You can review all of the materials from the committee, as well as videos of all committee meetings, on the town website here.

The report will be received by the Town Council at their January 13th meeting, where the Council will then consider next steps for the development agreement process.

(Full disclosure: I was a member of the Obey Creek Compass Committee.)

Initiation to Implementation: My first year in CH politics

A little over a year ago I attended a public meeting in the basement of the Chapel Hill Library. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I hadn’t been to many public meetings and I hadn’t the slightest idea what the Comprehensive plan was or what in the world these folks were initiating. It ended up being the start of a very interesting year.

After all, I was attending that meeting solely to report back information to then recent UNC graduate Lee Storrow. 
During that spring, Lee had been appointed to the initiating committee and also decided to run for Chapel Hill Town Council. While the former was public, the latter was still mostly under wraps – most people in town had no idea who Lee Storrow was. Due to an unfortunate scheduling coincidence, Lee was unable to attend every meeting.

Flickr Walking the Southern Community Park Construction




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