county budget
Here's the Storify from the Orange County Board of Commissioners' budget debate.
This is the statement I delivered to the Orange County Board of Commissioners during last night's meeting. The comments are posted here as well as the PTA Council blog.
Good evening. My name is Jeff Hall. I am the President of the Chapel Hill / Carrboro City Schools PTA Council.
Up until a few hours ago, I fully expected to read to you the official statement of the PTA Council, asking you to fully fund the budget request of both CHCCS and Orange County Schools. It is a great statement, with supporting facts and based on talking points that were developed in collaboration with parents, teachers and students across the district. But, you already know that. I emailed it to you a month ago.
But as I thought more about who I was talking to, I decided to change it up.
After last night's defeat of the 1/4 cent sales tax we're really under the gun. A number of important community services could be cut. We could witness the closing of libraries, crippled EMS, county employee layoffs, cuts to school budgets, and more. So what are the Commissioners going to do to fill the budget gaps and invest in the future?
Now is the time for some seriously creative thinking. I know the County Manager, Staff, and Commissioners have been thinking about this hard. But what would you do? How would you raise one time or recurring funds to keep the lights on?
Is there anywhere on the web with details about NC state budget, orange county budget, and Chapel Hill town budget? I've been searching the last hour and am surprised that I have been unable to find any breakdown of the recently passed budgets. Am I missing a good resource? I have no agenda; just wondering what the facts are. Seems like this information is more difficult to find than it should be.
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