December 2006

Carrboro coverage

When it rains, it pours, I guess. The second-biggest municipality in Orange County has recently been blessed with several new journalistic efforts talking nothing but Carrboro.

The Carrboro Commons is a project of a class at UNC's School of Journalism. It's not clear to me whether it will be sticking around now that the semester is over. They kicked out a few interesting pieces like a profile of Mike Nelson, a Carrboro High preview, and coverage of growth in Carrboro. I haven't seen the print edition but apparently there is one, published semesterly.

Blogs keep us plugged in on politics

As published in the Chapel Hill Herald on December 16th, 2006:

You probably know Sally Greene, Mark Kleinschmidt and Laurin Easthom well as members of the Chapel Hill Town Council. You may not, though, know about another pastime that the three of them also share. They are among the ever-growing cadre of local bloggers.

Greene is one of the most intellectually well-rounded people I have ever met, and it comes through in her blog postings. She practices law, lectures and teaches about racial issues in the South and has edited an essay collection about the writings of Virginia Woolf. Her postings in the nearly two and a half years since she started her blog, titled GreeneSpace, have touched on all of those topics as well as her more public role as a member of the council.

Some of her more recent postings have included a preview of a panel that she will be moderating next month in relation to desegregation in Chapel Hill, a discussion of Barbies and advice on affordable Christmas gifts.

Of course she has also delved into the scale of buildings downtown and other more political stuff.

The kids rock

OK it's not politics, but it seems worthy of passing on this tip from my friend Ross for the show at the Cat's Cradle tonight in Carrboro:

If you've never seen the Cat's Cradle completely packed to the gills with equal parts middle-aged parents and teens, all screaming wildly for the occasionally pretty-damn-good (or at least pretty-damn-weird) high school bands onstage, then maybe it's time you gave it a try. I'm not saying you'll enjoy it per se, at least not in the traditional "what a great rockshow" way, but it can be gratifying to see how many kids are in bands, and how many of their friends want to see them play.

Dec. 30 Edwards announcement in Southern Village

The John Edwards campaign staff is moving into offices in Southern Village. From Dec. 28-30, Senator Edwards will be holding rallies in five different states, culminating with a rally here in Chapel Hill on Dec. 30 at 4 pm on the Southern Village Green. This will be a very special announcement. It is free of charge but attendees need tickets in advance. For free tickets, please visit . For questions, folks may call an Edwards staff person at (919) 265-7394.

It is very exciting to have this announcement happening in Chapel Hill!

Rosemary Waldorf

Elizabeth Edwards, keeping it real

I swear Rosemary and I didn't plan this, but I just read and wanted to post about this article by my friend Micah Sifry about Elizabeth Edwards. He says she is the "only person who I think we can genuinely say is participating in the blogosphere, as opposed to just using it." One of his supporting examples is Eliabeth's visit to OP to answer some questions I had raised about the location of their new home and the status of their voter registration.

As usual, she responded openly and directly. As I wrote to Micah, Elizabeth is so smart and fierce and charming it's scary. Further proof was seen in her graceful handling of that clown Chris Matthews on live TV recently. I sometimes have complaints about her husband's policies (the same I have of almost every Democrat), but as a person I only admire her more the more I get to know her. I wish nothing but the best to the entire Edwards family.



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