April 2008
Sustainable Transportation: A Future Worth Creating.
Erb is an automotive engineer who has designed electric and hybrid
electric vehicles, as well as vehicles using gasoline, diesel,
biodiesel, alcohol, and natural gas power trains. An active auto racer
with engineering and business degrees, he will share his excellent
information and experience, his deep commitment to the environment, and
his understanding of its impact on social justice. Come and learn
about the energy balance of all kinds of biofuels, some alternatives to
biofuels, what fuels NASCAR, and more: The Multipurpose Room of
Building 2 at Central Carolina Community College. Sustainable
Sustenance (i.e., organic refreshments). May 14 at 7 p.m.
Co-sponsored by Chatham Alliance for Sustainable Energy
See Building B on this map:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
764 West Street, Pittsboro, NC
The elephant in the room that nobody is talking about... factoring rising fuel costs into the equation.
It's mindnumbing that an area that prides itself on sustainability would even be considering a program to export it's own waste. The very definition of sustainability is something that can be maintained into the indefinite future. Is paying to haul waste out of county sustainable in any sense of the word? Is increasing transportation miles at the end of a product's long transportation chain to get to the consumer even sane?
What percentage of trash in the current landfill comes from UNC? What percentage comes from Chapel Hill and Carrboro? What percentage comes from elsewhere in the county? Maybe each district should be required to sustainably deal with it's own waste.
Chapel Hill and Carrboro have sustainable community as their vision. Carolina North has as it's stated vision: "This and other progressive measures will help make Carolina North a model of sustainability — a campus that is socially, environmentally, and economically sound."
From the Internationalist announcement list:
LET'S DISCUSS (yell/laugh/cry/protest about) GREENBRIDGE.
A Greenbridge video screening
Sunday, April 13 @3pm
Greenbridge recently produced a documentary on their future vision of
the of Rosemary and Graham street corner.
At first glance, the Greenbridge development embodies progress for
Chapel Hill. The building will utilize some of the newest green
technologies available ie. solar, wind, and geothermal to provide
energy for the building and thereby lessen its carbon footprint. But
in our haste to combat the forces of Global Warming, we may have
overlooked some details, such as marginalizing the surrounding
Northside community.
Come out and join us as we watch the video and enter in open
discussion about what community means to us (taking into account race,
class and ideological differences.)
Sunday, April 13, 2008 - 11:00am
Internationalist Books, 405 W Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
As far as I know, tonight's Chamber of Commerce/EmPOWERment/League of Women Voters event at Chapel Hill Town Hall is the only chance to see Senator Ellie Kinnaird and her challenger Commissioner Moses Carey in a direct dialog before their primary contest. I'd like to tell you more about the event, but only the LWV web site even lists it on their calendar, and they offer less info than the Chamber's press release (which is posted here).
Apparently it will also be broadcast on WCHL 1360 AM (live?) so if you can't make it tune in there and watch this space for updates from yours truly, who is bringing her laptop.
(PS: This and other items from our calendar are now listed under Upcoming events at the bottom of every page on OP.)
Corrected at 5:05pm 4/9/08.
Received via OP contact form:
Just wanted to let you know that the Orange County Democratic Women will
be hosting many of the judical candidates at their next meeting on April
24, 2008. All judicial candidates from the Supreme Court to our local
District Court race who are registered Democrats have been invited to
attend and speak about their campaigns, and the women running for statewide
seats on our appellate courts will participate in a discussion about the
importance of women's voices on the bench. We hope you will share this
information with your members and join us. The event will be held at the
Chapel Hill Museum on Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Thank you.
Samantha H. Cabe
Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 3:00pm
Following the news that central NC has been upgraded from "exceptional" to "severe" drought, the OWASA home page maes it official: We have been de-escalated from Stage 3 to Stage 1 water restrictions!
Please don't go washing your cars all at once. ;-)
At the OWASA Board of Directors meeting on
April 10, 2008, the OWASA Board declared a Stage One Water Shortage
effective April 11, 2008 (rescinding the February 28th Stage Three
declaration). OWASA's storage capacity is now 70% full which
represents 400+ days of storage (assuming no rainfall and average
customer demand during the past 30 days).
In taking this action, the OWASA Board stressed that the drought is not over and that customers must continue to use water wisely.
The Board said they would continue to monitor water supply and demand
very closely and would return to more stringent restrictions if
conditions warrant.
With husband and wife pair Kevin and Mary Wolff running as Republican and Democrat for the same At-Large County Commissioner seat, the message is clear. Elect him, err, her, err... The bizarreness of the whole situation still hasn't rubbed off yet.
I ran into Julie McClintock today and she gave me a flyer for this event (see below). Here are the basics:
You are invited to a community event at the Daniel Boone Big
Barn, bringing together supporters of Barack Obama on Thursday, April 24, 6 – 9 pm for music and
barbeque. We will provide you with information on getting out the vote for the
May 6 primary.
Advanced tickets only are available. Adult tickets are
$20 and $10 for student or child.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 2:00pm
Daniel Boone Big Barn, 357 Ja-Max Drive
Graig and Jennifer Meyer, Joel and Catherine Grodensky, and Joseph Costa and Tamala Flack
Invite our friends under 40 years old to meet future U.S. Senator Jim Neal
Wednesday, April 16
6:00-7:30 PM
This is a special opportunity for young voters to meet our future Senator in a personal environment. We invite you to join us for this special event. If you are ready to send Liddy Dole back to Kansas, you need to meet Jim Neal.
Suggested donation:
Friends under 40 years old - Pay your age!
Friends over 40 - You're welcome too! Please pay your age + a $20 surcharge.
Make checks payable to Jim Neal for Senate
Donate online here: http://jimnealforsenate.com/
Just a short distance west of Carrboro in Orange County.
RSVP with to Graig at jagmeyer(at)earthlink.net for directions.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Home of Graig and Jen Meyer
From OrangeDems.org:
Tuesday, April 29th - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm – “Greet, Meet, Eat,
and Learn,” sponsored by 6 Hillsborough precincts. Location: Kelsey's
Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton, in Hillsborough. Various
topics for discussion include: Voting information (ballots, who can
vote, age limits, etc.); informal meeting candidates; who can vote in
which primary; voting for county commissioners; information on the
transfer tax.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 2:00pm
Kelsey's Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton, Hillsborough
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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