February 2012

Merritt Crossing Redux

Yesterday I received a call from a woman who lives in a tent she assembled in the woods east of the railroad tracks near land that Chapel Hill purchased from the estate of Leo Merritt. I have known her for several years and she has been a part of the downtown Carrboro community for a long time. I had mixed emotions about what she had to say. She is moving next month to be with another member of her family in a nearby state. On the one hand, I am happy for her that she will (presumably) have more formal housing arrangements, but on the other hand I will miss seeing her around Carrboro.

Rep. David Price Lecture

UNC Young Democrats is hosting Rep. David Price who will give a short lecture followed by a question and answer segment. This event is open to the public.


Monday, February 13, 2012 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


UNC Campus, Manning Hall, Room 209

Presentation on Chapel Hill's future transit network on Friday

The Chapel Hill 2020 process has a special presentation on Friday 2/10 at noon in Town Council Chambers,
" The Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit: Chapel Hill's Future Transit Network."
Here's a link to the PR: 
Based on much experience with presenter David Bonk, even though he'll be dressed in a suit, he will be plenty willing to move the event into informal discussion. I'm hoping for some turnout, as I believe the local public needs to get more familiar with these alternatives as the Orange Commissioners move now into finalizing a bus and rail plan. 
I plan to attend, traveling there and back by bicycle on what promises to be a nice day weatherwise.
 BTW, thanks for folks starting to pay much attention to the Orange Commissioners' discussions, including attending and speaking at their meetings. The work session at Southern Human Services Center next Tuesday night won't have public comment, but should have interesting discussion.

Occupy protestors march down South Road

HKonJ 2012 photoblog

Thousands of people took to the streets today in North Carolina’s capital city. HK on J (Historic Thousands on Jones Street) is an annual civil rights and progressive issue-based march in Raleigh, NC.  The 6th annual march happened yesterday morning. It was really empowering to see so many people there supporting equality, voting rights, and social justice.  And it was great to see Rep. Miller marching too.

Redistricting and Orange County

Note: All the following maps were made by my resident GIS specialist, Jason Baker. Use the checkboxes to toggle the display of old/new districts.

The events in state politics over the last two weeks have served as a reminder that election season is now here. Candidate filing for the May primary starts today. This will also be the first election to use the newly drawn maps for the NC House, NC Senate, and US House districts. These maps alter (rather drastically, in some cases) how Orange County is represented at the state and federal level, so I thought it would be helpful to provide a summary of the changes in each district.

Street Survival Teen Driving School March 3

If you know anyone with a teen who's got a learner permit or recently got their license please let them know about this hand's on drivers school. All of the driving schools I know of just have kids drive around in normal traffic. This school is about getting experience driving in adverse conditions. What happens when you stomp on the brake in the rain? What do you do if your car starts to skid? The school is an entire day at the same facility used for police driving instruction in Sanford.

Candidate Filing Period: Open Thread

The candidate filing period for the May 8 primary elections begins today at noon. In Orange County, 10 seats in various state and county races are up for grabs.

Elections 2012



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