February 2012

Another Transit Tuesday for the County Commissioners

A few years ago, did you imagine you would find yourself wondering whether the Orange County Board of Commissioners supported basic progressive causes like enhanced public transit and smart land use planning?

Who wants to play guess what property will be taken over next?

There's only a small number of properties in Carrboro and Chapel Hill that make any sense as takeover targets, so it shouldn't be too hard to guess which one is up next.  As the incidident at the CVS site in Carrboro shows this small group isn't ready to give up, even after being subjected to the violence of ice cream and politely being asked to leave.

So, what's up next?  Greenbridge again?   



OP viewing of GI Joe: Retaliation

Details to come, but really should have a fun evening with OP fans to watch CH candidate Augustu Cho's new movie


Friday, June 29, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm



CVS neighborhood meeting

From CarrboroCitizen.com:

Neighbors of 201 N. Greensboro St. are invited to a meeting on Feb. 8 from 7-9 p.m. at Carrboro Town Hall to discuss the proposed CVS development project.

This will be the last neighborhood meeting before a public hearing. Attendees will be updated by developers on plans for the second floor and will hear answers to questions and concerns addressed at the previous meeting in December.

To ensure all questions will be answered at the meeting, email any questions you might have to Chris Bostic at chris.bostic@kimley-horn.com. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall

Renee Price announces for BoCC District 2

Would Charterwood have saved Chapel Hill?

After reading the article 'No' vote frustrates critics" in the Chapel Hill News I felt compelled to correct the record. When Council viewed a video showing a representation of Charterwood, presented by the Charterwood applicant, only the Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd side was shown.  Similarly, the lead article Jan. 30 in the CH News presented one flawed side of a decision, repeating applicant claims, without ever turning the corner to see the other views.
On July 8th, 2008, BEFORE the Altemueller property was purchased, I met with current owner of the property, Bill Christian, at his request, to discuss his pending purchase.  At that time, I pointed out the Northern Area Task Force recommendations for this specific property. (Note: the article refers to a development submission in 2007.)  The Task Force looked at 367 acres of development potential and felt that it was important enough to single out ONLY the approximately 14 acres of Altemueller property for special consideration.

Anarchists/Carrboro Commune Back for More

That didn't take long:  in a new blog post, the Carrboro Commune announces they're going to be doing some illegal gardening.  The fence that's supposed to be going up will prevent some of that if they can get it installed before March 8, but I imagine a fence isn't going to stop anarchists given you can either hop the fence or cut through it at night. 

The interesting thing about the announcement to me is they now have a press contact, Maria Rowan, and are linking to press coverage of the event.  I wonder if Maria will wear a black mask to the event?



Frustration 2020, Part Six: Recapping the Report Out

Tonight’s theme group meeting took a different form from those past (see my post on the first and second theme group report outs). After the usual introductions and settling down, Rosemary Waldorf, one of the two co-chairs of the 2020 process updated the participants on the timeline and outlined some results of discussions from the Town Council Retreat that took place over the weekend.



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