July 2012
This item was in today's Public School Forum. Not sure if this will show up on the site. I think it's interesting. State Board of Education Revokes Charter of Three Schools Three North Carolina charter schools may lose their ability to operate independently of traditional public schools. The State Board of Education voted Wednesday to revoke the charters of Bridges Charter School in Wilkes County and Highland Charter School in Gastonia after fewer than 60 percent of the students attending the schools were proficient in required subjects and students failed to meet learning targets. Though nearly four dozen charter schools have been closed since the mid-1990s, these two charter schools would be the first to lose their charter for failing to educate students. The State Board also voted Wednesday to revoke the charter of Cape Lookout Marine Science High School in Morehead City due to financial problems. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 7/11/12)
Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
2nd Wind Sports Saloon (118 E. Main Street, Carrboro, NC)
I wanted to take some time to update the OP community on the status of Early Voting for the 2012 General Election.
At its June meeting, the OC BOE approved the usage of four sites: Rams Head, Seymour Center, Carrboro Town Hall, the OC BOE office, and a nothern Orange location to be determined (not unanimous). They also established early voting times for Seymour, BOE and Carrboro Town Hall (unanimous). However, the motion for Saturday voting for 9am to 3pm was not unanimous.
At its July meeting, the OC BOE approved the times for Rams Head and signaled that it was still interested in a fifth northern Orange site, but that it was increasingly difficult to find such a location since there were concerns about Mt. Zion (the early vote site during the primary).
At its meeting today, the BOE has now approved a total five sites: Rams Head, Seymour Center, Carrboro Town Hall, the OC BOE office, and Mt. Zion AME Church. These were the five sites for the primary. The motion to approve Mt. Zion as well as its times was unanimous.
Do you live or work in the Estes Drive area? Do you have ideas about how the area could be improved or enhanced?
The Town of Chapel Hill will hold a Public Information Open House
for the Estes Drive Focus Area from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 28, at the
Orange United Methodist Church, 1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514. An identical meeting (choose the one that works
best for you) will be held from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 29, at the
same location.
The purpose of the Public Information Open House is to create a
common community baseline of knowledge about the Estes Drive Focus Area.
After the Open House, additional community meetings
will be held to gather community input about the area and appropriate
uses for the area.
All community members are invited to help develop the process for
gathering community input and the process' next steps. If you are
interested in participating, contact Megan Wooley, a housing and
neighborhood services planner, at compplan@townofchapelhill.org or 919-968-2728.
During the development of the Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan,
the community participated in focused discussions about six areas
of Town which were referred to as the "Future Focus Discussion Areas."
These areas were identified as the areas most likely to change in the
future due to vacant land, underdeveloped sites, and their location
along transportation and transit corridors.
One area that was identified as a Future Focus Discussion Area was
the area located near the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard and Estes Drive. As a first priority for implementation of the
Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan, the community and Town staff will
work together to create process that will work towards the goal of
identifying appropriate uses and zoning regulations in and near Estes
Drive and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Currently, the process is being called the "Estes Drive Focus Area"
process. The community will have the opportunity to discuss and refine
name, as well as the boundary for the focus area, during the Public
Information Open House and additional community meetings.
As a general guide, the area includes the Estes Drive/Martin Luther
King Jr. Boulevard intersection and generally includes the area
extending just north of Piney Mountain Road, south to the YMCA area, and
along Estes Drive to Seawell School Road and towards the Chapel Hill
Public Library on Library Drive. The community will have the opportunity
to discuss and refine the boundary for the focus area during the Public
Information Open House and during additional community meetings.
For more information including a Frequently Asked Questions list about the Estes Drive Focus Area, visit www.townofchapelhill.org/estesdrive
Interested in Chapel Hill zoning?
Keep an eye out for updates on the Ephesus Drive Focus Area Open House, tentatively scheduled for late September 2012.
Please let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or thoughts. We
would like to hear from you, and we welcome your feedback. Please also
let us know if you would like to be added to the email distribution list
for the Estes Drive Focus Area. Reach us by emailing compplan@townofchapelhill.org or calling 919-968-2728.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Orange United Methodist Church, 1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Do you live or work in the Estes Drive area? Do you have ideas about how the area could be improved or enhanced?
The Town of Chapel Hill will hold a Public Information Open House
for the Estes Drive Focus Area from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 28, at the
Orange United Methodist Church, 1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514. An identical meeting (choose the one that works
best for you) will be held from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 29, at the
same location.
The purpose of the Public Information Open House is to create a
common community baseline of knowledge about the Estes Drive Focus Area.
After the Open House, additional community meetings
will be held to gather community input about the area and appropriate
uses for the area.
All community members are invited to help develop the process for
gathering community input and the process' next steps. If you are
interested in participating, contact Megan Wooley, a housing and
neighborhood services planner, at compplan@townofchapelhill.org or 919-968-2728.
During the development of the Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan,
the community participated in focused discussions about six areas
of Town which were referred to as the "Future Focus Discussion Areas."
These areas were identified as the areas most likely to change in the
future due to vacant land, underdeveloped sites, and their location
along transportation and transit corridors.
One area that was identified as a Future Focus Discussion Area was
the area located near the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard and Estes Drive. As a first priority for implementation of the
Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan, the community and Town staff will
work together to create process that will work towards the goal of
identifying appropriate uses and zoning regulations in and near Estes
Drive and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Currently, the process is being called the "Estes Drive Focus Area"
process. The community will have the opportunity to discuss and refine
name, as well as the boundary for the focus area, during the Public
Information Open House and additional community meetings.
As a general guide, the area includes the Estes Drive/Martin Luther
King Jr. Boulevard intersection and generally includes the area
extending just north of Piney Mountain Road, south to the YMCA area, and
along Estes Drive to Seawell School Road and towards the Chapel Hill
Public Library on Library Drive. The community will have the opportunity
to discuss and refine the boundary for the focus area during the Public
Information Open House and during additional community meetings.
For more information including a Frequently Asked Questions list about the Estes Drive Focus Area, visit www.townofchapelhill.org/estesdrive
Interested in Chapel Hill zoning?
Keep an eye out for updates on the Ephesus Drive Focus Area Open House, tentatively scheduled for late September 2012.
Please let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or thoughts. We
would like to hear from you, and we welcome your feedback. Please also
let us know if you would like to be added to the email distribution list
for the Estes Drive Focus Area. Reach us by emailing compplan@townofchapelhill.org or calling 919-968-2728.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Orange United Methodist Church, 1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514
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