July 2013
One challenger and two incumbents are all running unopposed for mayor in our three municipalities.Theymay be shoo-in's but we still want to know that they will represent us. Outgoing Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton will serve as the moderator in a conversation with all three candidates.
Post your questions for the mayors and mayor-elect as comments on this page, on social media, or with our contact form.
Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Last week, Chapelboro's Elizabeth Friend took a look into how Orange County agencies are (not) enforcing the countywide smoking ban (PDF) enacted by the Orange County Board of Health last October. I think this piece raises a few concerns worth discussion. For context, the ban officially took effect on January 1, 2013, but enforcement measures were not scheduled to begin until a few weeks ago on July 1.
I was happy to see the county enact a smoking ban back in October. This policy decision to promote better public health for all of Orange County's citizens is one that should be applauded -- I just wish the enforcement efforts were worthy of applause, too.
Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.
As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.
Monday, August 5, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Fairview Community Policing Center, Fairview Park, 501 Rainey Avenue, Hillsborough
Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.
As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.
Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Northern Human Services Center Cafeteria, Cedar Grove Park, 5800 NC Hwy. 86
Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.
As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Efland-Cheeks Community Center, 117 Richmond Road, Efland
Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.
As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Mebane Arts & Community Center, 633 Corregidor Street, Mebane
A recent column by Kirk Ross in the Chapel Hill News makes very clear how increasingly relevant the N.C. General Assembly's shenanigans are to us here at the local level. In the past, many have debated the utility of municipal and county governments weighing in with symbolic resoluitions about state and national issues. Well pardon my French, but sh*t just got real in Raleigh this summer.
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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