August 2013

WCHL Candidates Forum for CHCCS School Board


Monday, October 14, 2013 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


WCHL Boardroom -- 88 Vilcom Center Drive, Suite 130, Chapel Hill


HI all, have accepted to attend forums for WCHL, Gary Kahn

LUMO rewrite announced (and other things you have missed in Chapel Hill government this summer)

The Chapel Hill Town Council may still be on summer break, but staff and citizens have been busy!

LUMO Launch Event

From Town of Chapel Hill press release:

Sep. 24: LUMO Launch Event: The Town will host a kickoff event to introduce the LUMO Update project to the community. Lead consultant, Lee Einsweiler of Code Studio, will provide an overview of the project. Town staff will begin receiving public input related to the specific topic areas under review as part of Phase 1. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall at Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliott Road in Chapel Hill.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013 - 7:00pm


Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliott Road, Chapel Hill

LUMO Stakeholder Meeting (Stormwater/Resource Conservation District and Parking Lot Landscaping)

From Town of Chapel Hill press release:

Sep. 25: LUMO Topic Area Stakeholder Meetings: The Town will host a meeting to hear from stakeholders who are interested in the Stormwater/Resource Conservation District and Parking Lot Landscaping components of the LUMO. Stakeholders are any person or persons interested in these topics, including Town advisory board and commission members who may already serve the Town in a related capacity. Lead project consultant, Lee Einsweiler of Code Studio, will provide information about the LUMO Update process and key considerations for these topic areas. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in Meeting Room B at the Chapel Hill Library, 100 Library Drive. 



Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 6:00pm


Meeting room B, Chapel Hill Public Library

LUMO Stakeholder Meeting (Sign Ordinance and Bed & Breakfast)

From Town of Chapel Hill press release:

Sep. 26: LUMO Topic Area Stakeholder Meetings: The Town will host a meeting to hear from stakeholders who are interested in the Sign Ordinance and Bed & Breakfast components of the LUMO. Stakeholders are any person or persons interested in these topics, including Town advisory board and commission members who may already serve the Town in a related capacity. Lead project consultant, Lee Einsweiler of Code Studio, will be on hand to provide information about the LUMO Update process and key considerations for these topic areas. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in Meeting Room B at the Chapel Hill Library, 100 Library Drive. 



Thursday, September 26, 2013 - 6:00pm


Meeting room B, Chapel Hill Public Library

Race and density patterns in southern Orange County

I recently read an article about "The Best Map Ever Made of America's Racial Segregation" which shows a dot for every human in the U.S., color-coded by race.

So I checked it out and zoomed in on the Chapel Hill Metro Area. Here's what I found:

Race and density in the Triangle 

phone calls and surveys

I received two political phone calls yesterday. One was from Citizens United. It played a long speech from Mike Huckabee about health care. He repeated all the old odd statements about Obamacare even including "death panels". After it finished a human came on line and asked for a donation and an offer to send me a "free" book. I complained about all the false sttements Huckabee made and pointed out the need for universal health care. The Citizens United person politely thanked me for my opinion and suggested I look at their website.  The next call was from PPP and surveyed us on our choice for State Senate. Do folks with only cell phones get these calls?

Via email, letters and phone I have received 9 invitations for Chapel Hill Town Council forums, 3 interviews and 4 questionaires. The Independent will send out their questions in mid September. Sierra Club/Chamber of Commerce and Friends of Bolin Creek/ Neighborhoods have not set the dates yet for their forums.I was able to attend 4  of the advisory board feedback meetings this summer and hope to attend the LUMO meetings in September.


Lessons Learned from Trayvon Martin Case


Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm


Chapel Hill Public LIbrary, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill



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