Ruby Sinreich's blog

Mark and Mark make the pitch to Google

It has come to my attention that not all of you have seen the video that the Mayors of Chapel Hill and Carrboro made to convince Google to bring their fiber optic network to southern Orange County. It's really super cheesy, but a nice effort was made. I kind of think it would have been more engaging if the mayors weren't so scripted (not like either of them needs help gabbing) and if it showed some of the parts of the community that would benefit from high-speed Internet. 

Here's the video...

Hillsborough Police Chief resigns to focus on his campaign for county sheriff

I don't have any more to report besides the contents of the press release below, which was released by the Town of Hillsborough this morning. I wonder if something changed since he filed for office over a month ago, or if the campaign is just now getting going.

Hillsborough Police Chief Clarence Birkhead will step down as the Police Department’s head on April 2.

“As you know, I am a candidate for sheriff of Orange County,” the police chief stated in his resignation letter. “I feel that I should devote all of my energies to my campaign. Under the circumstances, I feel it is best for the Town of Hillsborough and my campaign to step down.”

Enjoy the silence

As some of you may have noticed I am out of town for a 9-day trip to Austin, TX where I am visiting family and attending South by Southwest Interactive. I am still checking in here periodically, but don't have time for new posts.  That means it's a great time to write that blog entry you've been thinking about, you don't have to compete with many other posts to get on the front page!

Soon after I get back, we should start seeing some of the work of the five students in a UNC class on Public Affairs Reporting for New Media, who will be focusing on the upcoming Primary election in Orange County.

Meanwhile, we haven't had an open thread in a while, so... how the hell are y'all?

Daniel Pollitt rests at last

Dan Pollitt was a dedicated activist and leader in our community for decades. He passed away this morning after a lifetime dedicated to peace and justice. My heart goes out to his wife Senator Ellie Kinnaird and the rest of his family. But the loss is all of ours. Pollitt was a beacon, lighting the way forward from just a little ahead of the rest of us.

Here's the Independent's profile of him from 10 years ago:

Chapel Hill attorney Bill Massengill nails it: "He's the aggressive-liberal gentleman. Dan can aggressively press his ideas without offending people." Even when those ideas are quite hopelessly out of fashion--as they so very often are.

Take, for example, Pollitt's defense of free association amid Red Scare panic. Or integration in the Jim Crow South. It took the times some time to catch up with Pollitt on those two.

Or what about advocating labor unions in a "right-to-work" state? How very un-20th century. And Pollitt's predilection for the abolishment of state-sanctioned executions? Next season, maybe, or perhaps the one after that.


NAACP: "Don't Resegregate Our Schools"

Right about now, the Chapel-Hill Carrboro NAACP is holding a press conference/rally at Lincoln Center, the administrative home of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School System (CHCCSS).  I'm pasting their entire (long!) announcement below as it has a lot of interesting information, including a history of segregation in the school system.



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