
Cold Weather and libraries

Today there was a 2 hour delay for the public schools because of the cold weather. Carl got up at the usual time and walked to Southern Village to see a friend. I biked to the UNC campus and visited the Science Library Annex in Wilson. It's been a while since I have been there. The departamental libraries (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Geology etc.) have been combined.    A number of books are now in storage including many of the tropical birds books by Alexander Skutch. I was sad to see that many of the paper jounals are gone: the bound volumes of the classical ornithology journals have been discarded. I can't dojournal browsing anymore. (Since I am not a UNC student, I can't access the electronic journals.) I then explored the new eating places on Franklin (and overheard one conversation: room is locked, don't have the key, room mate isn't back with key due to cancelled flights.) The bike ride home was nice and cold. Hope the freeze kills the ticks and zancudos.

What should we be watching for in 2014?

A lot happened in local politics in Orange County in 2013 and Orange Politics covered much of it (as noted in a previous post). There's bound to be quite a bit of action in 2014 as well. Kirk Ross had some ideas over in the Chapel Hill News about issues to watch for. What do you think will be the big stories? What should we all be paying attention to?

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year wish to all the readers, posters, and lurkers who frequent OP and to the Editors who make it run.  A very big wish to Ruby on her new job.  Stay safe, happy and healthy everyone.

Biggest Stories on Orange Politics in 2013

We thought it might be interesting to go back and see what we were talking about over the past year. Below is a smattering of the biggest topics from each month:

Who would you choose for 2013 Orange County Person of the Year?

For this first of three year-end/year-beginning posts, we are stealing an idea from long-time OP poster Mark Marcoplos.

Over on Facebook, Mark started a thread on who would be Orange County Person of the Year if we were to have such a thing and so, we thought we'd bring that question over here and see what others had to say (thanks for the idea Mark!).

The Chapel Hill Carrboro Chamber of Commerce awarded Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership Executive Director Meg McGurk Person of the Year for our two towns (a wonderful choice).

So, who would you want to see as Orange County Person of the Year and why?

[Look for our posts asking for your '2013 Stories of the Year' and 'What to Watch for in 2014' later this week and next.]



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