
No Fair?

I have not followed the discussions surrounding the proposed Orange County Fair very closely and hope that  the OP community can help me to understand why the County Commission was not in favor of it.  Especially since 3 of the "no" votes came form commissioners I am accustomed to agreeing with.

This Week in Orange Politics: January 27-February 2




Tuesday, January 28th

  • Carrboro Board of Alderpersons Special Meeting, 7:30pm, Town Hall Rm. 110

What Is A Liberal Republican

The Orange County Republican Party defines it self as its 2 favorite presidents are Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. At a recent party meeting this issue came up, and I said openly to this group my favorite Republican Presidents were Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt. There  response was  it makes sense a Republican from Chapel Hill would think that.  I said my third favorite was President Eisenhower. Gary   Kahn

This Week in Orange Politics: January 20-26

On Campus Early Voting Being Challenged by the Republican Majority

Great Saturday Morning “Coffee Conversations with your Commissioner” this morning. The conversation focused on the OCBOE’s possible attempt to move early voting off the UNC Campus. The R-majority would like to move the voting site to the Chapel Hill Public Library citing complications with parking and access for any campus sites. The Rams Head Dining Hall site has already been voted off the list, as a matter of fact it never made the list. I think having early voting at the CH library is a fine idea to relieve the so called parking and access pressure, however, that should be in conjunction with an early voting site on campus, NOT instead of. Linda Convissor, UNC’s Community Relations Director is working with the BOE to identify additional sites and we are hoping for a positive outcome. Students at UNC should not be disenfranchised; we all witnessed the Wataga BOE in action. Please pay attention to this evolving story.



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