
Ready to Work for Chapel Hill!

Thanks to all the folks who came out to the organizational meeting of the Chapel Hill Town Council. It was incredibly exciting to take the oath of office, especially with my family and friends there and Rep. Larry Hall doing the honors. I forgot to thank Mr. Fred Battle for all his help and support and wish I had. There were so many people there that I wanted to thank. GRACIAS!  I am really excited about my committee assignments: Parks and Recreation CommissionPersonnel Appeals CommitteeTransportation BoardFirefighters’ Relief FundGreenways Commission. It will be a busy year for sure. Looking forward to serving the community,


Down But Not Out

Hi all, I would like to clarify my statement made to WCHL on election night, I said im resigning from Chapel Hill politics, But  I did not rule out the possibility of running  for public office again on the  county, state, or federal level. This may or may not  happen sooner or later. Thank you, Gary Kahn

What kind of County Manager do we need now?

As you hopefully know, Orange County is in the process of looking for a new Manager to lead the county government. Last week OP editor Molly De Marco attended the first session along with CHCCSS School Board Member James Barrett and probable County Commissioner candidate Mark Marcoplos. And that's it. No-one else attended the meeting. The second meeting was held last night in Hillsborough, but I was not able to make it (as I had hoped to do) and I doubt many other did in that miserable weather!

Personally, I think the most important trait in a government leader is a dedication to democracy and open government. There are many more priorities, but if a good leader listens to the people of the county then those things will follow.

Come Beta Test the New OP!

After a considerable amount of work, we're pleased to announce that the next iteration of OrangePolitics is now entering a public beta. Please check it out and let us know what you think! Feel free to log in, mess around, look for old content, and try out posting and commenting! The site reflects a pull of our current database which I made about a week ago. Related, if you have recently changed your password, the change may not be reflected on the new site; if you're having trouble logging in, let me know and I'd be happy to help!

Advisory Boards

Last night the Town Council postponed their discussion of the new Advisory Boards until tonight 11/26 after the Central West Plan which begins at 6PM. I've emailed my suggestions but hope others will attend or write comments.



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