
Election Day Open Thread

Let us know what you're seeing at the polls, chatter about the candidates, where the parties are toight, etc.

Our main question about today is: Low voter turnout, or lowest voter turnout? 

Handicapping the CHTC race and your other commentary

I've had to remove several comments on the endorsements thread as they were not in fact endorsements. But I'm certainly interested in what y'all have to say, even the snarky stuff. 

The Chapel Hill Town Council race is an interesting contest this year with two incumbents and four strong challengers running for only four seats. In the past we had a "Pundit of the Year" contest to see who could best predict the results. We'll be a little less formal this year and just throw our educated guesses out there.

For example, I think Sally Greene will come in strong and that Ed Harrison will continue to hold on to his Council seat. I think George Cianciolo will have broad support, and I see a tight race between Maria Palmer and Amy Ryan for the last spot. I'm not sure which one of those will win, it may depend on who campaigns harder, and I don't have a sense of which that would be.

Let us know who you think SHOULD win in the endorsement thread, and who you think WILL (or won't) win right here. 

Rosemary Imagined Process - Next Steps

The Rosemary Imagined Neighborhood Project Team, which is helping guide the process for the Town of Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership, met again on November 1, 2013 to discuss next steps for the development of a Rosemary Street Concept. We were given a summary of the feedback that has been garnered from the process so far.

Better late than never

Having been gently admonished by Ruby for being (my term) a stick in the mud, finally have a campaign website that will stay up and not vanish. Well, it might drop out a for a few minutes here and there.

 Like me, it's low key and generally straightforward, and intends to do the job it's expected to do. 

Given how long it took for the Daily Tar Heel staff to realize there were local elections this year (Monday afternoon this week for news, Thursday morning for editorial), I don't feel like such a procrastinator. Maybe they figured out earlier, but that's when I heard from them. 


New Teacher Rules

The North Carolina Association of Educators just sent out a fact sheet about the NC legislature's action against teachers removing career status. Not only did they eliminate career status but they are eliminating due process to appeal decisions about the new evaluation instrument, length of contract, dismisal and bonus. I'm glad that I retired from teaching this year. It looks like the new rules will really mess up schools in North Carolina. One interesting suggestion is the idea that local school boards can create due process rules and better contracts. I hope CHCCS will do that. Loren



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