
I just learned that it costs $826 just to file to run for County Sherriff. Wow!

Storrow 2013? UNC SBP Hopefuls Struggle with Town Relations

On Monday night, the UNC Young Democrats hosted one of the first candidate forums for this year’s crop of Student Body President hopefuls.

As is somewhat customary at the Young Democrats forums, one of the questions asked was about local politics here in Chapel Hill. All four candidates responded to that question by saying they supported Chapel Hill Town Councilmember Lee Storrow in 2013.

The problem with that answer is that Storrow wasn’t up for re-election in 2013. Elected in 2011, his term will be up in 2015.

It’s troubling that none of the SBP hopefuls knew that, and also troubling that they didn’t know the names of any of the other seven Town Council members. How can an SBP be an effective advocate for students without a basic understanding of the Town of Chapel Hill’s government?

Orange County Board of Elections Talks Early Voting on Campus

The Orange County Board of Elections met today to discuss early voting sites for the 2014 elections and beyond.

At the heart of the discussion today was what an on-campus voting site at UNC could be. In other parts of the state, such as Watauga and Pasquotank counties, students have seen their voting rights undermined through the loss of on-campus voting sites and challenges to student residency. While no such issues have emerged yet in Orange County, there has been some speculation that the Republican-majority Orange County Board of Elections might not maintain an on-campus voting site for UNC students for upcoming elections.

However, that speculation seems to have been brought to an end today, when Board Chair Kathy Knight said emphatically, "This board is not Watauga [County]." As the live tweets from today's meeting (below) show, it appears the Board of Elections is committed to having an early voting site on campus. The Board did not make any final decisions on voting sites today, but finalists for the on-campus site appear to include Cobb Residence Hall, Hillel, and the Stone Center.

AP courses and minority enrollment



This Week in Orange Politics: February 3-9

While many several elected bodies will be taking a break this week, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will tackle changing its weapons policy to comply with state law, and the county commissioners will take up rural recycling again after hearing an update from Triangle Tranist on bus and light rail improvement plans. Here's a summary of the week's actions.



Tuesday, February 4, 2014



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