
Ever Park in Downtown Chapel Hill or Downtown Carrboro? Please Take the GoTriangle Survey!

GoTriangle invites anyone who works, lives, or visits Downtown Chapel Hill or Downtown Carrboro to take a survey to help evaluate transportation and parking in the two downtowns. This is important because parking needs have a major impact on planning our local and regional transportation infrastructure.

To participate, follow this link:

Individuals who complete the survey have the option to enter a drawing for a 16GB Apple iPad.

The survey will take approximately 12 minutes. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used for  transportation planning purposes. This study is being conducted for GoTriangle by Resource Systems Group, Inc. (RSG), a national transportation market research firm. 

Thank you for helping improve transportation throughout the Triangle region.

Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

The Candidates Respond: Economic Development

Nine candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Commissioners in the upcoming Democratic primary election on March 15.

  • At Large (1 seat): Andy Cagle, Matt Hughes, Mark Marcoplos
  • District 1 (2 seats): Jamezetta Bedford, Mark Dorosin, Gary Kahn, Penny Rich
  • District 2 (1 seat): Bonnie Hauser, Renee Price

OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions, and all provided responses. We're posting the candidates' responses to one question every Monday. We previously posted the candidates’ answers about the county-schools relationship, the 2016 bond referendum, and poverty. Today, we post the responses to the fourth question:

District 1 and At-Large Candidates Answer Democrats' Questions at Forum

It's the season for candidate forums. Yesterday, the Orange County Democratic Party and the Orange County Democratic Women held their forum for District 1 and at-large Candidates for the Orange County Board of Commissioners. The event was held at the Lake Hogan Farms club house. We live-tweeted the forum.

Come to the Hearing on March 22, 2016, to Support FoodFirst Community Kitchen in Carrboro

Weaver Community Housing Association would like to voice its support of the IFC locating the Food First community kitchen in downtown Carrboro. WCHA is concerned about public safety for all of its residents and that includes those of low-income and marginalized populations. Hence, our organization does not support criminalization of the homeless by spreading fear of panhandling and loitering.

The Candidates Respond: Orange County School Board

Five candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Education in the upcoming election on March 15th. Unlike the several primary election items on the ballot, the school board race is a nonpartisan general election. The winners will take office in June.

  • Full 4-year term (3 seats): Stephen H. Halkiotis, Tony McKnight, Matthew Roberts
  • Unexpired 2-year term (1 seat): John D. Hamilton, Michael H. Hood

OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions. The responses from four of the candidates are provided below. Candidate Matthew Roberts did not respond.



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