
The Wrong Post-Storm Priorities in Chapel Hill

Many thanks to the Chapel Hill News for reporting on the issue of street and sidewalk cleaning. It would have been nice if some of the people who were critical of the town's response to cleaning sidewalks can be interviewed, but I understand that time is short. One thing that I think everyone would agree on is that the folks in public works at the Town of Chapel Hill have been working (and are continuing to work) very hard on cleaning streets. So, thanks to them.

I find it unfortunate that the reflexive response to the call for better sidewalk maintenance is "who is going to pay for it." I'm not aware that anyone on twitter or elsewhere has been arguing that the town should be responsible for clearing all the sidewalks the way it (and the NC Department of Transportation) is responsible for clearing roads. The issue is that there's a large gap between what the town does now, which excacerbates the problems people have when they're trying to walk, and what the town could do without assuming responsibility for clearing all the sidewalks.



OP Candidate Questionnaire: Orange County Board of Education

As with the county commissioner election, we're also doing things differently for this year's Orange County Board of Education election. Instead of holding our usual live online candidate forums, we have asked the candidates to complete a brief questionnaire.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Announces Process for School Board Vacancy

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools today announced the process for filling the vacancy on the Board of Education resulting from the resignation of Michelle Brownstein.

So far, we've heard only that 2015 school board candidate and former Carrboro alderperson Joal Hall Broun intends to apply for the vacancy.

North Carolina statute requires the vacancy to be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board until the next election of board members. Applications for the vacancy are due in the superintendent's office by noon on February 5th. The school board will interview candidates on February 11th and make the appointment on February 18th.

CHCCS Discussion of Lincoln Center Redevelopment

Should the InterFaith Council for Social Services' food servies and a Piedmont Health clinic be co-located with Phoenix Academy and the state-run preschool program at a redeveloped Lincoln Center? This is the question before the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.



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