
Community Forum on Schools II - Excellence With Equity

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, Organizing Against Racism-Orange, Movement of Youth, and the NAACP Youth Council are sponsoring their second in a series of community forums on equity in our Orange County schools.

The commuity forum will now be January 23rd, 2016 February 20, 2016 from 1 to 4 pm at the United Church of Chapel Hill.

Information provided by the sponsors follows:

For Chapel Hill-Carrboro parents, students, and all who are invested in our having schools that are excellent for ALL students, please come to this forum. We will discuss the recent report and recommendations from the Campaign for Racial Equity and get your input and priorities on these important issues. On-line registration is requested, if possible to help us plan logistics.

No, 7pm Work Sessions Aren't Better for the Public

Last week, the Town of Chapel Hill sent out an email announcing that Town Council work sessions will now start at 7pm at the Chapel Hill Public Library. Work sessions previously began an hour earlier than regular meetings of the Town Council, starting at 6pm. Tonight’s work session will be the first to start at the new time.

Mayor Pam Hemminger seems to be the driving force behind the change in start time. She touted the change as one of her early priorities in an interview with WCHL’s Aaron Keck back in December. The reason given for the change by Mayor Hemminger was to make the meeting times more consistent, less confusing, and more accessible to town residents.

Time to do something about 201 N Greensboro, the "CVS Eyesore"

After five years of looking at the chain-link fence and deteriorating building on the corner of Weaver and Greensboro Streets, I'm starting to get irritated. Isn't it about time to take some action?

The town seems impotent- they are glad to "facilitate a conversation", but that's about it. Meanwhile, CVS's developer, Mark Pantlin, told a group of us that he is planning on submitting a scaled-down plan to squeeze a CVS on the property. He also said he would- as a show of good faith- "clean up" the property, but then renigged. From an email string:

> I will be happy to clean up the site upon receiving the Rezone but not before. I've made that clear to the Town staff as well. Rezone in exchange for a clean up.
> That's because of the excessive monies already spent by both myself and CVS for approvals and nothing to show for it.

So if we bend over he will "remove the eyesore", but not before. We can not take him at his word, he has proven that. Pantlin claims to control the property for CVS, and is not the least bit interested in what the community needs or wants.

What can we do?

Better Community Engagement Needed

The talking-at-elected-officials-at-podiums-at-7-p.m. model isn’t working for the great majority of residents in our community. This method excludes too many people, and it privileges those who can spend many hours participating in lengthy meetings.

This Week in Orange Politics: December 14-20

Both of our school boards meet this week, as does the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, which will swear in new board members on Monday evening.



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