
This Week in Orange Politics: October 26-31, 2015

The Chapel Hill Town Council will take up changes to the Land Use Management Ordinance for the Ephesus-Fordham district. The Hillsborough Town Board will discuss affordable housing policy. The Orange County School Board meets this week, but the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board does not. Early voting continues through Halloween. Go vote!


  • There is no meeting this week due to early voting. The board's next meeting is November 10th.


Fighting Hate in Chapel Hill on October 25th and Beyond

It looks like a growing number of people are using today's confederate flag rally in Chapel Hill as a way to fight hate.

For every confederate flag seen at Silent Sam today they will donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center or a similar non-profit.. That is, they will use the rally as a way to drive donations to organizations established to fight hate and foster togetherness. The idea is to let the rallyers know that wherever they gather to support a symbol of oppression, they will be directly helping to fund organizations that fight oppression.

How does one participate? Simple: Ii you are at the rally, use the hashtag ‪#‎ChapelHillAgainstHate‬ to post your count of flags. If you want to help with a donation, make a donation to SPLC or a similar organization then post about it on social media using the hashtag #‎ChapelHillAgainstHate. Watch the hashtag this afternoon to get an idea of flag counts and see who is playing.

The more people who post with the hashtag, the better chance there is of getting the word out, of getting the attention of the press, of the rallyers, of people wanting to fight hate.

Daily Tar Heel Endorses in Chapel Hill Town Council Race

The Daily Tar Heel issued its endorsements this morning n the Chapel Hill Town Council election. Early voting begins today at noon and will continue through October 31. Election Day is November 3.

Indy Week Endorses in Chapel Hill, School Board Races

Indy Week has released its endorsements for Chapel Hill Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board.

Chapel Hill's/Orange County's Growth in Context

The underlying narrative of the election this year has been about growth in Chapel Hill.  Runway growth. Incredible growth.  Unprecidented growth.  Residents are nostalgic for that time 10, 20 or 30 years when the town's growth was so much slower.  

The only problem with that narrative is it isn't true. According to the UNC Carolina Population Center, if you compare the growth rates of the state's high tech counties, Orange (Chapel Hill), Durham, Wake, and Mecklenberg (Charlotte), growth rates are now historically low.  In fact, if you look at the growth rates during supposed golden age of Chapel Hill, in the 60's and 70's, the growth rate was twice what it is now. 

Even if you compare recent growth rates among the state's high tech counties, Orange has the lowest growth rate. Sure, Orange County has grown faster than counties in the middle of nowhere, but Orange is the home to a major economic driver for state, and is right next door to the other fastest growing counties as well.  



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