
Election Method Similar to Orange County Commissioners Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Tucson's method of nominating city council members in districts and electing them citywide (similar to Orange County's method for electing commissioners) was unconstitutional. 

Mark Marcoplos Running for At-Large County Commissioner Seat

I am running for Orange County Commissioner in the Democratic primary for an at-large seat. My decades of experience with county issues, my forty-plus years living in Orange County beginning in 1971 when I came to attend UNC, and my service on key county boards and OWASA have prepared me to represent the diverse communities that share our county

This Week in Orange Politics: November 9-15, 2015

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board is the only board that will not meet this week. The Carrboro Board of Alderpersons will hold a work session on several items. The Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss financing of various public improvement projects. The Orange County School Board will discuss the process for filling the vacancy left by Lawrence Sanders, who resigned from the Board last month to pursue a job opportunity.


Pelissier Announces She Won't Seek Re-Election

After two terms on the board, Orange County Board of Commissioners vice chair Bernadette Pelissier will not seek reelection next year.

Our Future

Bernadette Pelissier, Orange County Commissioner, has announced that she will not seek re-election in 2016. I want to be the first to thank Commissioner Pelissier for her seven years of service to our county and community. She has been an extraordinary leader, and she will be missed.

I have been talking with folks from across Orange County and have received words of encouragement to run. I have been chair of the Orange County Democratic Party for the past five years and have the desire to take my leadership to the next level. I want you to know that I am considering this opportunity.

Orange County is my home and is very special to me. I was raised in Hillsborough, and I graduated from and am employed by UNC-CH. Orange County has been home for my family for six generations.

That’s why I’m excited to consider running for Orange County Commission. Our county is the cornerstone on so many fronts including education, economic development, green energy, and equality. I’ll be talking with many of you during the next several days and weeks. I will weigh your feedback that will help make my decision.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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